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Engraving Mistakes

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So... I made a mistake on a trophy plinth band that has got donkeys years of updates on!  It's nickel plated but the nickel has worn off.  Basically, it doesn't look as if I set the cup in straight as the date is fine but then it's as if the diamond hasn't lifted off far enough putting a diagonal line between the letters. 


Question is what would you do?  it's not going to easily polish out as the nickel is already worn off.  Would you by a new plinth and re-engrave the lot? Or do you apologise and do the engraving for free.  Are there any other options I haven't thought of?


Kicking myself for trying to engrave while half asleep at 5:30am!!

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I have seen some where the engraver has just put a row of x's over the engraving then re-engraved the line underneath.


If we had done it i would own up, buy a new band and re-engrave all the previous years.


WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES, it's how you deal with them that keeps your customers coming back.

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I would probably replace it as well..........Although where a customer has given the wrong engraving instructions and they don't want to pay for a new band I have done similar to what Graham says about a row of x's. But what I do is draw a box around the text and hatch fill it....Not the best way but looks tidier. Also I always remove the bands from the cups and engrave them.

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Have you noticed you can never get the right size easily!  It's 115mm across the top of the covered band by 50mm deep.


Having looked at it again, I still don't really know how it happened as it's only some of the letters where the diamond hasn't lifted enough.  Beginning to think the band is distorted although you can't tell by eye.  The next cup I did was fine so not the machine.  Bit strange but still.  I'll offer to replace the band.  If I can get one!  If he's not bothered he had about 4 items engraved.  I'll just offer to not charge for any of the engraving.

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simes if its your fault replace the band its far cheaper than rubbishing your reputation.


most plinths bands are tapered slightly, so if you get a new one remember to fit to base before engraving to check top or bottom

nickel plate is cheaper than silver plate, swatkins or goodwill should keep what you need.

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