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Trophy Suppliers

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Hi all I never seem to make the time to go to trophyx  and I know some of you guys have really good  trophy shops and vast experience in trophy retailing.


i have been thinking of changing  or adding another supplier just to have a change.


I like the deal that goodwill are offering and their trophies look good in the brochure who else do you recommend or use. I currently use glenway and trend at the mo.


Cheers Windy


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Transworld Trophies have a great clearance site.

Great firm to deal with..............They do some nice colour printing on glass awards (see page 166 of their catalogue) bottom right is one they have done for me. I don't deal with Glenway so much these days as they don't send me free catalogues, they want me to pay carriage on them.................. Goodwill are OK too........... Trend for free delivery (they had most of my custom last year). Pass carriage charges on to your customer. (Shhhhh! even if you don't pay them)... :wink: ;-)

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Hello All


Its Terry here from Trend.  Its good to read some positive comments regarding our deliveries etc.  We really do value all of our customers business and if there is anything we can do please let me know.  We have some great value lines in the 2016 brochure in our Maverick series and lots of great offers on shop displays. 



Again, please let me know if you need any help or for one of our sales reps to give you a call.





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Great firm to deal with..............They do some nice colour printing on glass awards (see page 166 of their catalogue) bottom right is one they have done for me. I don't deal with Glenway so much these days as they don't send me free catalogues, they want me to pay postage on them.................. Goodwill are OK too........... Trend for free delivery (they had most of my custom last year). Pass carriage charges on to your customer. (Shhhhh! even if you don't pay them)... :wink: ;-)


Ha! Just had a phone call from Glenway to see if I want some catalogues........carriage free.............(I'm being watched,.paranoid me...... :shock:  :shock: ...)....Is that the power of the forum...Or are they feeling tough competition.........

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High end silver cups £500+ and some of crystal that customers have requested. We have also had quite a few cups repaired and replated

and to be honest they are the dog's nuts when they have finished working there magic on them.


We did sell one silver cup to a lottery winner that cost over £2500 and was engraved "The Giant Cock Cup" they thought it was a wind up but

that is what he wanted putting on it.

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 High end silver cups £500+ and some of crystal that customers have requested. We have also had quite a few cups repaired and replated

and to be honest they are the dog's nuts when they have finished working there magic on them.


We did sell one silver cup to a lottery winner that cost over £2500 and was engraved "The Giant Cock Cup" they thought it was a wind up but

that is what he wanted putting on it.


Swatkins refurbishment service is brilliant. I've had a few old cups repaired or had the old engraving removed and then replated.


Funny some of the trophy titles we get.....I do one for "The Queens Legs Open"............. :smt102

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Tim from Glenway here. We are always happy to talk carriage terms! We have 5 of our own vans out on the road 5 days a week , so you are possibly on or near a route any way .Please ask. The vast majority of our customers receive there catalogues when they place an order, or we collate with an order, so they travel free anyway. Apart from that I'm always on the end of a phone ..

We pride ourselves in being market leaders,  and are always happy to listen.


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Sorry Tim, but your explanation does not meet my experiences.

Got charged carriage twice last year on two lots of catalogues, emailed and explained asking for a possible refund and never even got a reply!

Also got charged carriage for re-sending me a faulty item last year and for catalogues this year.

Me and my father have been dealing with yourselves for (probably about) 15 years and we have never been offered catalogues with an order.

I am not writing this just to have a moan and criticise for no reason and having come from a wholesale background I know how damaging forum criticism could be but also how if you don't know the problems we the customers are seeing you can not put them right.


We are here to make money and with free carriage from Trend we are saving £100s each year. So out of interest does your free van service come near my neck of the woods (Wiltshire)?

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Not looking good is it Tim?..........The thing is the catalogues we get sent free of charge without even asking for them (Trend, Transworld, Goodwill) are the ones we are going to put out on display for our customers to take.....I know this year I have been sent catalogues free of carriage but it's the first time........Thankfully we have this forum where your customers can air their gripes and hopefully you will listen to our comments.........Just one other niggle I have. I've always been offered free sample packs. This year most seem to want payment for them.

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Not usually one to jump on the band wagon of grumbles. But I don't believe we have ever had free Glenway catalogues in with an order. Always had to pay for carriage on them. Always had to ask for them, whereas others just get sent. That said,  I can understand why they might only want to send them to people who definitely want them.


I'm going to check out where the Trend van does free deliveries to, but our customers really like the range of trophies etc. from Glenway, so I don't think we'll be cutting them off. 

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Hi all Tim here again!

Very interesting all your criticisms as well as good feedback . It definitely gives food for thought. As a lot of you are under different names it's hard to know who to contact individually. If you would like to talk van delivery (our fleet of vans actually exist by the way ) , or carriage , please feel free to email me on

Tim.wilford@glenway.co.uk . I can assure you that all your comments are taken very seriously . The last thing we want to do is alienate customers , however we do need to make some profit & with post rates as they are today giving carriage paid on a £10 order would be economic suicide !

So please get in touch if nothing else we can put the world to rights & you may twist my arm to a couple of free samples .

Look forward to hearing from you

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Great to see a supplier that's willing to pop their head above the parapet & respond to comments, whether good or bad.



As an industry, I genuinely believe this forum is a unique place to network with each other and suppliers & actually make things happen that wouldn't otherwise   ..srfr..

Hats off to Lee for having the vision to make it happen.

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