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till roll company.

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I always get my till rolls from tillrollsdirect. A company called the till roll company , based in retford ( my home town, When I was a kid!) Regularly phone wanting my customer, I always politely decline.

However just before Christmas I was actually thinking I really need to order some rolls when they phoned. From a convenience point of view , I ordered two boxes. ( get one free). They said it would be £40. I thought this was a bit steep, but only order till rolls once a year ( so could not remember exactly what tillrollsdirect quote. I also thought it included vat and delivery. Just received the invoice total of £68 .

Rolls were £24 a box. Tillrollsdirect charge me £6 a box. Feeling a bit duped, completely my own fault. Bit upset it was from my home town. Paid the invoice, put in behind me. They will never get my custom again

And I won't be polite next time.

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As it's distance ordering don't you have excellent cancellation rights? Even once it's arrived I think you can return for a full refund.


We nearly got stung by this scam years ago but I realised just in time and phoned them back and cancelled the order before it had left their warehouse. They still call every month asking if we want anything.


I always get my till rolls from tillrollsdirect. A company called the till roll company , based in retford ( my home town, When I was a kid!) Regularly phone wanting my customer, I always politely decline.
However just before Christmas I was actually thinking I really need to order some rolls when they phoned. From a convenience point of view , I ordered two boxes. ( get one free). They said it would be £40. I thought this was a bit steep, but only order till rolls once a year ( so could not remember exactly what tillrollsdirect quote. I also thought it included vat and delivery. Just received the invoice total of £68 .
Rolls were £24 a box. Tillrollsdirect charge me £6 a box. Feeling a bit duped, completely my own fault. Bit upset it was from my home town. Paid the invoice, put in behind me. They will never get my custom again
And I won't be polite next time.

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A long long time ago I went round the back of the shops here to push the  wheelie bin lids down & there was a load of boxes in mine, one already opened containing till rolls, realising they fitted mine I fished them out. then I noticed similar boxes in other bins so I lifted the lids on all the bins behind the shops & found boxes and boxes off them. I haven't brought a till roll in decades.

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