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Keyline Transponder "cloners club"

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Doesn't show the process of cloning the key.


Dear Graham


This is not meant to be a tutorial, with all the steps to be showed. Tutorials that you can find since 30th November 2015 on Keyline website. I guess there are about 10 videos since several several months....http://www.keyline.it/eng/keyline-tv/


It is 5 months we are offering to thousand of customers the full 48 cloning. 


My question was if VW Jetta 2016 can be programmed with diagnostic, which our customer declares not. 


anyway, since you are an active participant to this thread, called "Keyline cloners club", if you wish you can buy an 884 with Megamos cloning, so you solve once for all your big problem of not cloning 48...I am sure it will be a big psychological relief for you..


don't worry, it will remain confidential among this thread...since 884 Mini is a small piece of plastic, that weights less than 1 kg, and can be carried in your pocket, you can hide in your shop. nobody will never know. 


Let me know, if you need me to speak with some Keyline distributors to give you good price, but don't tell other customers that we will give such pricing to your person. Please keep it confidential. 


all the best and have a lovely week end 



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the cloning procedure is the same as all id48 cloning which i believe is already available in video and as a photo guide .


i think the point is that many late vag vehicles are still not programable by obd , so it was useful to know that the kit can clone keys to vehicles you may not otherwise be able to work on .

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I just liked the limbo.my son Simon is subscribed to my YouTube channel and in a matter of seconds of uploading that video he was on the phone "have you got a Lamborghini outside the shop, can I come down"

I guess he's watched the video with the sound down! Lol

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I just liked the limbo.my son Simon is subscribed to my YouTube channel and in a matter of seconds of uploading that video he was on the phone "have you got a Lamborghini outside the shop, can I come down"

I guess he's watched the video with the sound down! Lol

or Maybe he thinks his father can speak Chinese too. =))) 

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2 minutes is a bold claim, the key needs to be cut first (even my triax would struggle to decode and cut in 2 minutes) then the sniff process looks like it takes 1 minute before you even get to the decoding part.


I would expect a more realistic time to be 5-7 minutes at best. There don't seem to be many unedited videos showing the complete duplication process.



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2 minutes is a bold claim, the key needs to be cut first (even my triax would struggle to decode and cut in 2 minutes) then the sniff process looks like it takes 1 minute before you even get to the decoding part.


I would expect a more realistic time to be 5-7 minutes at best. There don't seem to be many unedited videos showing the complete duplication process.


if you never try, you never know....

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I'm just about to take the plunge and upgrade my machines and wondered if a customer only has a cloned key (and no original), can we clone another key from the already cloned key that they have? Or do we have to clone from an original?


Kind regards Carl

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available since 30 of November 2015...


can clone now in 2 minutespost-10725-0-08520700-1461241551_thumb.j



That is rather misleading the chips haven't been available since then. Same as your cloning time, You should be stating once you have the data from the vehicle within 2 mins. 

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I'm just about to take the plunge and upgrade my machines and wondered if a customer only has a cloned key (and no original), can we clone another key from the already cloned key that they have? Or do we have to clone from an original?


Kind regards Carl


Yes Carl you can clone from an already cloned key. TKM or generally TK100 electronic heads are clonable using 884 / Mini equipment.

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That is rather misleading the chips haven't been available since then. Same as your cloning time, You should be stating once you have the data from the vehicle within 2 mins. 

You are right the GK100 chips will be available starting this coming week, the GKM chips will be available in June, Keyline decided to make this announcement because many locksmith were asking for future chip availability. This announcement was made for information purposes only and not for soliciting orders. As far as the cloning time of id48 using Keyline 884/Mini equipment and TKM keys, we do have material evidence that for the last weeks this has dropped to an average of two minutes per key for each and every model of vehicle. Again, this is for information purposes only and not for advertising or soliciting orders. All id48 cloned keys are supported by the Keyline server which provides a precise tracking of all cloning times at global level. Thanks for you attention.

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You are right the GK100 chips will be available starting this coming week, the GKM chips will be available in June, Keyline decided to make this announcement because many locksmith were asking for future chip availability. This announcement was made for information purposes only and not for soliciting orders. As far as the cloning time of id48 using Keyline 884/Mini equipment and TKM keys, we do have material evidence that for the last weeks this has dropped to an average of two minutes per key for each and every model of vehicle. Again, this is for information purposes only and not for advertising or soliciting orders. All id48 cloned keys are supported by the Keyline server which provides a precise tracking of all cloning times at global level. Thanks for you attention.


Then I'm right both statements very misleading.


Not your best move after all the spamming to do with your product.

The Info page might not of been intended to be used as a sales sheet but it has been used in that exact way and by your dealer/rep.

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Yes Carl you can clone from an already cloned key. TKM or generally TK100 electronic heads are clonable using 884 / Mini equipment.

Can you clone if the key is an after market key from a different manufacturer? for example if someone brought in a 3 button ford, that on the face of it looked like an original but was a cloned glass chip. or even dare I say it...... a silca key that was the customers only key?

And shut up Lock stock, you're just stirring. My moderators & I have spoken to Carlo. :smt036

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They just cant seem to win , no matter what they do in response to feedback , they had issues on calculation times and recieved negative feedback which they acted on , the cloning calculation time has been constantly and reliably under 10 minutes for a long while now , and now they have improved it further to around 2 minutes , yet they still get critisism and cheap shots ,  rather than praise for what they have achieved following listening to our issues .


we moaned that we need a small glass chip solution so we can utelise oem remotes and pods , so they develop this and have it in final testing prior to a named release date , so again they listened , they developed and announced to us the release date , again instead of thanks or even the slightest praise for bothering to listen and act on our needs and issues , they recieve cheap shots and nit picking critisism .


Keyline have released this many months before anyone else has , no deposits and promises , developed it and released it , overcome the issues they encountered quickly and efficiently and have improved their units beyond expectation , whether you like them or not , whether you support another manufacturer or not , their achievement and their dedicated service to their customers has been exceptional and beyond reproach in my view and largely down to the honest feedback and issues highlighted on this forum , we fed back and they sorted it , which speaks volumes . if we was as quick to thank as we are to moan it would be a better world.


over the past week i have cloned a 2014 T5 , the calculation took under 2 minutes , as well as a number of late vag with similar success , its hard to fault such results all i would have liked is the glass chips which i know are close to release , i have extreme and rate it , i also have the silca unit on order and will no doubt rate this too when i eventually get it  .

i wonder if when silca release , they will rectify issues as quickly and listen to their customers in the same way whilst interact with them on forums as keyline have , i hope so , but id bet they wont recieve the same unprovoked cheap shots as keyline have endured , which i really dont understand , it seems like its reverted to playground mode which is not nice to see from an industry of supposed grown ups .


perhaps they would get more thanks and more respect from us if they did nothing and didnt bother taking time to interact with us directly , rant over , i just find it all  unnecessary playground sniping that looking in on is a tadge childish and unnecessary from all involved on all sides , its turned into handbags at dawn and a school yard tit for tat , maybe time we all grew up and became adult again.

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Can you clone if the key is an after market key from a different manufacturer? for example if someone brought in a 3 button ford, that on the face of it looked like an original but was a cloned glass chip. or even dare I say it...... a silca key that was the customers only key?

And shut up Lock stock, you're just stirring. My moderators & I have spoken to Carlo. :smt036

lee , ive not tried cloning from a id48 late precode clone . but i have had success cloning to tk100 from s silca electronic head from a toyota hilux on a 4c . ive cloned a mk5 golf key from a tkm also .

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They can win, just deliver what say you can and don't be misleading or use our forum as a sales pitch.


I do disagree with when everyone goes on about them listing to you guys, or maybe you don't expect a lot from them. 


I would expect a supplier of a machine that clones VAG chips to have thought about making them compatible with the remote's which most of them need. More like a rushed product before properly ready or a unseen issues rather then progress.


As for the waiting time that's a load of crap as well. Your 4 hour waits were down to their lack of investment. They should of had a suitable server system to cope with the load in first place. Not a machine not capable of doing the job. The old Zed-Bull servers had more power.  So again I see it differently to you then. I see them taking your money to buy the right tool for the job rather then invest properly in there product to start with. You see it as them listening to you.


Believe it or not I don't dislike Keyline I just don't like the way they acted with 48 cloning and being misleading now and at the beginning with the product. I'm sure if that would of been Silca or Peter you be on it like a rash. 

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i have never posted any critisism aimed at silca or peter at lock decoders , in fact i have only ever praised silca and its products and especially matt who for me is one of the biggest assets silca has in the uk , the few issues ive ever had with my silca products matt has been exceptional . lockdecoders too i have only ever praised , even defended when ive felt he had been unfairly critisised or attacked as has happened on occasion.


so no id not be all over either like a rash , in such a situation , id be quicker to defend both than critisise either , which is something i have not and would not do .


i have both silca and keyline kit in equal numbers , i use both daily and have praised both for the income they have made me and continue to do so , i have praised exceptional service from both and support too , the one thing i wont do is critisise either on a forum , if i have an issue with either i take it up with them direct as the right thing to do .


many years ago i had an issue with viper , i did post my frustration , it turned out to be no more than a duff cable , matt sorted this out on his day off despite not really being a silca issue , i ate humble pie and praised matt and silca to the hilt  i appologised for venting my frustration publicly as my own fault, as it was right to do so . 


i will rarely critisise anyone on a forum unless i feel they have had me over and it couldnt be resolved directly , so No if it was silca or lock decoders getting a hard time , id be more likely to defend them and try to defuse it than be all over it like a rash , as im a huge fan of both silca and lock decoders as well as keyline amongst others too , there are some i do despise but lifes too short to attack them on forums , i just buy elsewhere instead .


as regards id48 cloning , ive done very well out of it whilst its been available , i have extreme , i also have the silca option on order and have had since orders were first taken , i buy both and will use both and expect to like both equally , i dont and wont critisise silca if it has issues once released as im sure like keyline they will move heavan and earth to rectify any unforseen issues , i will continue to use both and benefit from both.


all forums will attract opposing views and debate , even support from supporters , but i dont believe it needs to become a school yard brawl nor offensive or personal from either side of the debate , the problem is every action provokes a reaction , the written word often gets miss read and offence taken , then before you know it you have chaos , sometimes its just better to step back and be adult rather than fuel an unnecessary verbal brawl.


i obviously do expect less than some others with regards diagnostic and cloning kit , ive still yet to buy any cloner or any diag kit that works as it should direct from the packet , if you visit any manufacturers forum they are filled with unforseen issues on new and in some cases old updates and kit releases , i prefer to judge them on the speed they resolve these rather than the fact the issue happened, i just accept that such issues do happen with all kit , maybe ive been unlucky or maybe im too much of a push over in accepting that this seems to be the norm  , but im yet to buy a piece of kit that works 100% from the off with zero issues , but i live in hope of obtaining such one day, that really would be an ideal world.


i used to love a good ruck , but things changed , i grew up and became old , even a dinosaur maybe , but it does leave more time for whats important .

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Sorry Rapidlocks my mistake it was supossed to say " I'm sure if that would of been Silca or Peter you guys would of be on it like a rash "


meaning the forum not you personally.


I think I've come across slightly wrong here. I don't dislike Keyline or have a gripe with them.

It just gets my back up when people clam things that aren't true or be misleading or take the piss.


Many people use this forum who take what read as fact and ask for peoples advice and experience with machines. I know if I used this platform to buy a machine which was different to what was being said I would loose faith and be pissed off.


I also felt that know one wanted to deal with the spamming because of who it was, Maybe should of sent that to Lee first.

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it does show how the written word is easily miss understood , i read it differently to its intention , something im sure we all do from time to time .


just as key line saying cloning time 2 minutes but probably meaning calculation time being 2 minutes , just one word lost in translation or its true meaning being missunderstood leads to a few cheap shots from some and a fall out for others .


no offence taken as said by message mate , just miss read your post as being aimed at me which it wasnt .

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Anyway, for whoever is interested of Keyline users, here a video of a ID48 Cloning done in March with a VW Golf 5 2006 model. Few seconds to copy the chip. 



and here is a video of a VW LAVIDA 2016 model, ID48, copied the chip in 3 minutes exactly. Done yesterday in Shanghai. 



all the best



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