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Which Laser/Dimple machine?

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Had a customer in this morning to get their eBay special Vauxhall key blank cut, but the tracer/blade of my venerable CEA Top Young machine was too big to fit in the channel.


Following a call to NW keys, (who had never heard of the machine & found no mention of it anywhere in their records) they couldn't find any clues as to whether narrower blades & tracers are even available.

It's got me thinking as to whether this is the next bit of kit I ought to upgrade.


We have currently got no way to cut dimple keys, a situation that really needs addressing, so I'm after advice as to what machines you guys would recommend to enable us to cut laser & dimple keys.


Over to you...!

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Depends what you want to spend?



Rst mustang is a great piece of kit, comes with a load of cutters as well as having tilting jaws as well as clamps for cutting tubular keys.


I bought mine to cut magnum keys but it has come in handy as a back up for my Triax.


Like Graham said a good manual machine or you could go electronic.


In our smaller shop we have a A9 which is easy to use and good little all round machine. Dose laser and Dimple with issue. It can also do cylinder keys as well but its not quite as good at that unlike the laser and dimple it was designed for. The adapters and cutter are very releasable for doing new stuff, there also tech support. For the price I think there really good value.


That said though If I was looking to do a lot of keys I would use Silca like In the other shops.

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There is a newer version of the A9 coming out around now. Price for newer model is £4815

(this now comes with a bigger tablet and the auto and dimple jaws)


The older model comes with small tablet, Auto, Dimple and Cylinder jaws. Special price while stock last £4295 was £4895


one Demo unit left (older model) 80-100 keys cut, £3900


Additional jaws range from £30 - £230


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  • 2 weeks later...

As the machine mentioned is a manual duplicator then it needs a tracer to trace the key.

Apologies - we use the term for the snake cutter as a tracer/laser cutter, it's probably just 'in house' phrases.


I might be interested in a manual dimple/pattern tracer for the Pioneer & Kale keys - we have the blanks, but they lack any Silca card / codes. Pioneer, I have the electronic card & cutters but they forgot to issue cards with the locks.... Any suggestions for a retro dimple/pattern machine?? Silca would be preferable but I'm not tied down to the Italians!

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