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We've been asked to re-spring a rim lock.


But this rim lock is different to the other types we've been able to fathom. The pivot points are not easily understandable!


Does anyone have any idea where the spring (presumably a feather spring) should go?


There are two 'arms' attached to two of the moveable parts, but it's still not immediately obvious what should go where. We've tried a few obvious combinations but they don't work.




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Hi  locksafe.


I'm sorry you've failed to see what the issue is, I can't have been very clear in my message!


The problem is we've been asked to re-spring this rim lock. We know all about which bit is the bolt and which bit is the latch, thank you.

The problem is this rim lock is different to the other types we've been able to successfully re-spring.

We're using feather springs but there is nowhere obvious to secure the feather springs. One place which works is at the far right of the picture just wedged in. But it's a bit of a bodge. Surely the two raised columns attached to the pivot points are there for a reason. They look like they're designed for securing springs.


Thanks for any further help.


To clarify, we have done this job many times, but this rim lock has so far beaten us.

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To me there is something missing from the deadbolt- Nothing to hold the bolt open or closed- therefore it could rattle half shot and not only that any bit of wire would open it- If it is never locked it could well end up that way

I think there are maybe two possabilities for a spring - on the right is a shiny wear mark but I have no idea if a spring will go on the pivot post. or two as I have drawn on the scan- without having it in my hand I cant tell (said the actress to the bishop)


Ahh won't take the upload.


what was that link for pictures?

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Perhaps you have missed my point, the levers should be sprung, you have no levers. What do you want to spring other than the latch?


Hiya, no, haven't missed your point - we want the latch to be sprung. The bolt is fine, it operates perfectly well with the key and the bolt is deadbolted both open and closed.


So yes, it's just the latch to be sprung which currently isn't.


I'll have another crack at it today...


thanks all

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The only way I can see it working is with a spring around the bottom of the pivoting bar, imagine a U shape which when the latch is back becomes a wider U then the desire of the spring to return to a narrower U pushes the arm back.

I could draw a picture but that would waste a thousand words.


draw it on to the image

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