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Personally. With laces. I choose shoestring, from Birch. I prefer these because the word laces is the most prominent word on the packaging, rather than the brand of laces. ( because customers don't care about the brand of lace). With polish the question is kiwi or cherry blossom. There are other brands as well of course. I choose cherry blossom, because they are made in Alfreton Derbyshire. I get them from leather and grindery in New Malden. I'm sure lots of other people prefer kiwi or even dasco. From Birch

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I've just moved over to Cherry Blossom for just about everything, their retail stands look really good and having matching products looks way more professional.

I do still have Kiwi black & parade gloss though, Army guys wont use anything else.

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I'm not a big fan of cherry blossom, I find their polish tins dry out too easily.

I've never got on with the shoe creams either, but maybe I'm not using them right.

Do cherry blossom provide any guides to use the products?

Does anyone at all supply guides? Would be useful to aid in selling the products. There are a few things that I get asked about showcare and have no idea how to answer

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Would like my range to be uniform , from one brand. Just doesn't work for me. Dependant on quality of item, price, and supply. End up with cherry blossom polish and protector, shoestringuk laces and insoles then kiwi sponges , dasco brush sets and punch heel grips.

I spend way too much time thinking about my range of shoecare products, when it makes only about 8% of turnover and has one of the lowest profit margins. ( still healthy margins though). Will now think about my range for most of whats left of the evening.

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I'm not a big fan of cherry blossom, I find their polish tins dry out too easily.

I've never got on with the shoe creams either, but maybe I'm not using them right.

Do cherry blossom provide any guides to use the products?

Does anyone at all supply guides? Would be useful to aid in selling the products. There are a few things that I get asked about showcare and have no idea how to answer

Would you like to try some of the New Cherry Blossom Premium Polish Tins? Happy to send you a sample to try.

Good Point about the Guides, no reason why there can't be something added to the Cherry Blossom Youtube channel - probably the easiest way to show how to apply some of the products.

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Glad you liked using the products. You might find that the Standard Paste Polish, or the CBP Regimental Gloss are a better choice, if it's a good gloss shine you are looking for. The Renovating Polish has a higher level of pigment, so is ideally suited to restoring colour to worn or faded shoes - nice to see you can still get a reasonable shine as well though. Thanks for doing the testing - let me know if you want to compare any other products and I'll do what I can to help.

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Locksafe's post was very thorough. However I do find most customers would not really give much thought to the different qualities of the various brands. Most customers would gravitate towards kiwi as it is easily the most recognized brand, or just buy the brand you stock. Most shops can't afford to turn every £2 sale into a 5/10 min discussion . I would also say sapphir seems to be the best presented.

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