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I swapped a broken key case for a new one earlier, now my customer has come back saying the bottom switch doesn't work any more.

Looks to me like there's a bit missing off the top of the micro switch, can anybody suggest a way to resolve this, as the customer seems to think it was there before I got my hands on the key. Grrr.


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Get it fixed, then charge your customer for repairing a key.


The reason the bottom switch/button is broken is because when they wore though the rubber button on there case & carried on using the key it by stabbing or poking something in a hole until they damaged it.


When it broke they came to you trying to blame you & make you fix it.


If the button hadn't worn out they wouldn't be getting a replacement case.

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These can be fixed relatively easily buttons can be soldered on /replaced Buy yourself a remote tester test every remote even when changing batteries then you can pick up on buttons that are or aren't working before you start work Changing cases always check buttons and remotes actually working remember customers will say anything ! No way could that button have bee working before you touched it ! I can supply you with button if you need one just email me and I'll stick one in post tommorow

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