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Hi Guys,

This is a strange one, for me at least,

Customer with old Citroen taxi has changed ignition and wants new key. I cut and program new key (old 32 digit chip)

I check code is the same, he tries it and it works ok.

2 days later he comes back and says the key did not work next morning (turned over but did not strike up)

He used original which then worked ok and then put in copy which then also worked.

It seems if left overnight then the copy will not work.

I've just replaced chip but have a feeling this is coming back again.

Any ideas?

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I am still in the dark ages as far as cloning is concerned. I have a 17year-old era micro/micra (can't remember and not at work to check) that shows the code on a display.

The chips I use are t19 from birch or sks for pre 2000 vehicles.

First problem ever.

Could be cold start problem. Is it just coincidence that the original works first time

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Sounds to me like it hasn't programmed. If you use the existing key then replace it with the new one straight away and it works then doesn't work the next time, my guess is that the time it worked it was riding off the back of the original key and the immobiliser just hasn't had time to reset.

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If I leave the key in the programmer it displays the code.

Obviously I have checked and the same code is in both


He tells me that they only changed the ignition and no electronic parts

But on the same keyring is the door key with a different code

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Have you got the correct transponder? Looking at SKS and Birches tp19 (sks) and t19 (Birch) are Texas transponders for Subaru/Mitsubishi. You need a T5 (Birches) or TP05 (SKS)

 If it is a T5 your using I'm not sure which ones the above suppliers sell but if you have the ones with the back of the circuit board exposed black one side and a yellowy color the other. The range on those can be pitifully short. I've had them cause intermittent starting problems before. If thats the case PM me your address and i'll send you some better ones. 

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