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Well I've had a 1,000l discus tank with a 500l sump and 6 breeding tanks all fed with RO gravity overflow but I lost interest - however importing F1 fish from South America to Thailand/Japan etc causes rapid in breeding and causal genetic defects  - making them a bitch to keep alive, let alone breed them.

You want to seriously talk about fish tanks - you are in the wrong forum, I've bred Discus here in the UK.... ooops sorry wrong forum.

I'll also request your IP address to the fraud team, as SKS lost approx £4k last month, in a machine theft and it seems you find their loss amusing?

Every little helps.

just picked up on this, hope I didn't offend anyone by saying I was a member of the S.K.S. It is the Kio Keepers Society ( a fancy type of carp) nothing to do with a supplier of keys.

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