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I have a large number (30 to 40)squire stronghold padlocks with Kaba 20 cores.
I won these at auction when Durrance went bust.
Unfortunately no keys but all have codes on the bags.
About 15 on same code. Same again on a different code.
Probably 4 different codes in all.
Would anyone be interested in supplying me with 3 keys per padlock in exchange for a number of these locks for yourself.


If interested, please email or  pm me.


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deja vous ? I thought we had covered this on a previous post?


If you have no keys then the cores need changing, unless you want to pay 2x the price of the padlocks.


If you want to get rid of them let me know - the squire bodies are good & we can use them with new cores, 01296 752080 ask for Mat

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You could just get a key from Kaba direct for £15.10 + vat (RRP) & if spend money with Kaba you will discount of that price as well.


This will be much cheaper than changing over cylinders. Then once you have a key you should be able to get more copies done at trade prices.     

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