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I myself am fairly new to using keyline machines having always had silca in past , and i think it somewhat unfair and unsporting that their name and products have been dragged into an unnecessary and unrelated online spat . I know that UAP have a dezmo , so their experiences with it are valid as real life and up to date experience and views , and as they do not sell the dezmo machine but instead are a user of it , their offer for lock and key to come and play with it is a generous one as its unusual to have an opportunity to try before you buy in a neutral setting as has been offered by uap, after all they havnt offered to sell the machine or any other product , but instead have said come play with ours to see if you like it and if it fits your requirements .


ive no interest in the he said she said debates or in other peoples wars battles handbags and one upmanship , but what is evident reading the responses and posts is that , UAP as a user of this machine have shared their view of it as a user to the original poster , they have confirmed they had initial issues and confirmed the reasons why these issues existed , and from what ive read none were down to keylines quality or the machine itself , and most importantly they have confirmed that keyline has resolved all issues free of charge via their uk based machine support team based in their own base in manchester and confirmed that the machine itself is excellent for their needs .


having visited the keyline factory in venice and having gone hands on with their machine range , i was impressed with their whole set up from R & D to build and to end product across their range and of the support network they have set up and the warranties offered, but most of all with their commitment and passion for what they do  , i was so impressed with the ninja laser and its clamp and jaw options i have a fully loaded one on order , if you can make the time to visit their factory at any point in future , im sure like me you will find it a great experience whether you buy or use their machines or not.


as stated i have no wish to become part of anyones online spat , but i do believe keyline and their machines have been unfairly critisised when in fact the only user i know of has nothing but praise for it and has not blamed the machine or keyline for the initial problems they had with it   , the best advice i could give anyone is if offered the opportunity to go play with one free and make up your own mind based on your own experience with the machine , then grab it as nothing beats going hands on , i read many reviews on many products from an array of suppliers , but the only reviews i treat as factual are my own , i try to go hands on with every major purchase before i buy and make my own mind up by my own experience if current and up to date.


when buying keyline like when buying silca , you know you get quality , the big question is which machine is best for you and your needs , so a good hands on session with each machine in the frame is wise on any major investment and helps to choose the correct one , and personally i pay little attention to the reviews from anyone other than regular users with an up to date machine and real current experience with a product , just as i discard the reviews from those with a vested interest in selling a machine , but even then i prefer going hands on and making up my own mind.


i found keyline to be very welcoming , the visit and time i spent playing with their machines i found invaluable and i found their current products and support to be excellent , i didnt play with the dezmo as i dont have a use for it , but if this changes and i find i need this type of machine , i will play with one and compare to others by playing with each make im considering and choose from there.

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well i agree that ninja laser is an excellent machine , who said anything about being independent ? i actually said i have no interest in the name calling and online spats that so many seem to enjoy , and that i believe keylines name had been unfairly dragged into such a spat.


and as normal , way off of the mark , im just back from pheonix where i have had no internet access due to working and not taking a laptop with me , plus im afraid i really am not interested in the childish spats i see and have no interest in reading them let alone sending them on to others , in fact this thread was sent to my inbox and no one was more surprised than me that david had posted as he never posts on forums despite having a log in under his own name for many forums , so this comment is not just innaccurate but way off the mark , so please refrain from dragging me into your online games as il take no part in them .


to be honest i dont care what your beef is with uap nor what their beefs are with you , i hear all sorts and choose to ignore all as often 2 sides to a story and rumours often get misleading so i ignore such rumours and stories , this is none of my business and not my concern , im too busy to concern myself with other peoples games and online spats, this is between you and them alone or should be  , i find them in bad taste from all sides no matter who instigates them . this is where we differ , you obviously enjoy them and enjoy instigating them , each to their own , i prefer to avoid such sillyness and concentrate on what does matter.


im glad you now have a ninja to play with , something we do have in common , so if the case  maybe then concentrate on the positives offered by keyline which are many from what ive seen rather than dragging their good name into an unrelated worthless online spat , which they do not deserve as their quality and passion for what they do is exemplary and as a company deserve far better in my opinion , you can slate tradelocks and uap as much as you like , this is between the 2 of you and they can defend themselves and respond as they see fit , keyline though cannot and deserve far better .

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I can confirm that Rapidlocks did not cut and paste anything to me or UAP Tradelocks and you owe him an apology. Both Rapidlocks and I were in Phoenix when I was sent an e mail advising me about comments made by locksafe about the Dezmo referencing UAP's name. As a personal favour to the author of the e mail, I took the unusual step of going online, signing up to the forum and reading the comments myself, and then replying. 


I do not get involved in online spats as I see no point in doing so. There is much that I could say, as could other members of my staff, but as everyone who knows UAP knows, we choose to keep our own counsel. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Despite UAP trying to hijack this thread - I struggle to see how UAP has anything to do with a pro tech machine?


*Liable information, removed by admin*


So UAP commenting on advanced dimple machines is rather strange as they don't even make a dimple key cylinder....

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