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Shoe Repairer Forum

T Shirt Printing

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The neighbouring shop to mine is a photographic studio & they have been trying to get some T-shirts printed with their business logo, but are finding it difficult to get anybody to handle the amount of detail in the logo.

They had some done, but it looked like the printing had been done onto a substrate (for want of a more technical way of describing it!) which had then been roughly cut out before being applied to the -shirt.

The end result was a clearly defined edge to the white printed area (even though it was on a white t-shirt), which doesn't look very good.

Can anybody here give advice? Surely it can't be that hard to make a decent job of printing a t-shirt, can it?


Embroidery was suggested, but the man who does my shop branded clothing wasn't interested in helping at all...


I said that the collective might of the forum was bound to have some advice to offer, so here we are, over to any of you in the know.


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