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Pedestal lock key to code

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A customer brought in this lock for a key to code. The code on the lock is CD0443 and the blank I have found that goes in is Hafele HAF2D (JMA).

I've ordered one online and it doesn't work, (although it doesn't seem to be cut properly to me as the cuts are not parallel) and SKS and DB have no matching code.

Failing a new key any ideas on a replacement lock?





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that looks like a masterkeyed and or removable core cylinder since I see at least 1 stepped wafer in the photo,


did you use the correct left or right  blade ??


or can you remove teh screw , tailpiece, and stop cam on the back and remove teh core, insert key and read wafer heights or remove the wafers and read the numbers on them ??


just thinking...

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Managed to pick the lock open and make a working key by reading the cuts from the cut to code key and adjusting it accordingly.



Left key is to code and right one is the one I made that works!!

The key you ordered in looks pretty rough in comparison, probably cut on a cheap cut to code machine using mill cutter or a quality machine, but poorly set up and with dull cutter,


I did one as a test, cut one side with HPC Blitz, the other side on Silca Futura, it looks exactly as your working key.

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The key was ordered from DB so don't know what machine they use but the spacings were all wrong as well as the depths!!

Have been thinking about a cut to code machine recently but not sure I can justify the cost at the moment. I don't get asked for this type of work much.

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