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Chevrolet Chevy 20 ( 1985 ) Lost keys - Which keyblank ?

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under the assumption is a USA model build ??


original locks and aftermarket replacements are General Motors 6 cut sidebar locks,


if original, ignition blank = Ilco P1098A / Silca GM1


if original, doors/ glove box blank = Ilco S1098B / Silca GM3


if locks are not original or factory issue, then they are universal and most any GM 6 cut sidebar blank will enter the locks, you will need to determine which ones,


ignition... if you do not have tryouts or cannot scope and read the numbers on the wafers, then remove lock from column and read code off of it, if no code, just install a universal replacement ignition lock,


door... doubtful there is a code on the door lock and or pawl/tailpiece, to fit a key you will need ( if no tryout keys available ) a replacement face cap, remove lock from door, remove face cap, and parts on rear of lock, remove plug, while holding pressure on the sidebar, pick it till sidebar drops flush, hold the sidebar in and now with a GM 6 cut measuring tool, determine the depths and cut a key,


an alternative is to remove the flat silver spring / wafer retainer and remove the wafers and see if they have numbers on them, but you will need a replacement spring retainer also,


there is the possibility that the door lock will need to be side drilled at 9:00 to the side bar, pressure applied to the sidebar while picking & turned before the plug will remove,


if you do not have the tools, tryouts, face cap, sprig retainer, just replace the locks


I would think some one over there can supply new aftermarket locks ??


if there is a glove box, then it should match the doors, but, there will be 6 wafers in the door locks and only 4 in the glove box, it will have either 1,2,3,4, or 3, 4, 5, 6, very seldom are all 6 wafers in the glove box,


and you can progress the missing 2 cuts which will be either 1, 2, or 5, 6

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so will try again


you will not be able to impression these locks,


these have a sidebar, 6 spaces & 5 depths, design has been around since 1932,


I only know of 2 people in the US that can impression these and not with great consistancy...,


if you cannot clean the ignition wafers and scope them to see if you can see the depth numbers on them ( may or may not be there some do some don't have the numbers facing out) remove the ignition and see if there is a code on it, if no code, replace the ignition with a universal one,


if it has a glovebox, and it matches the door, you will be able to fit a key from that to the door


otherwise you will need to diassemble a door lock and decode it, but as said you will need a new facecap and or spring retainer

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