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Silca have told me that They can't decode this because of the way it works.


I have struggled to try & decode these myself with the Silca software, according to the way it reads VA2 (ABCDEF) its alternate cuts from side to side. I've not often got it right.


I use it to decode it self, it doesn't make sense looking at the cuts but always works.

On the VA6 (Clio3) I go under Citroen, (VA2) 2T6W- All combinations) & haven't had any issues.

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The Clio 3 uses the same card as the Aygo,107 and C1.


Silca say that as the steps are so close the machine cannot work out the difference in the cuts which is why the decode option is missing (even my triax will not decode them correctly).


Sometimes you get lucky and they will work but are not perfect. The only real way to cut these is by using the keycode or copying in a manual machine.

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I've decoded at least two VA2 under Citroen on the Futura without issue. I find that it is the edge keys that are most problematic with decoding. Particularly toy43. Some ok, others no chance! As said though, to code is 100% for me so far.

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Did you use card 1831 or 3404?


I understand what Graham is saying about the card & key & technically he isn't wrong.


The reason I ask about the card is that if you look at the card 2392 you will see that 1234Q are the same height as 8H765 from the bottom of the key rather then the top. If you use card 3404 that reads one cut from top then one from bottom of same axis so 1234Q are now not relevant because its using 8H765 from the other side instead.


I've always done this & haven't had any issues my self, Silca say I can't decode this key & to only cut it to code so I can't say its fact or say its the way its done but I done a lot of cars to date using this method without issue.

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Did you use card 1831 or 3404?


I understand what Graham is saying about the card & key & technically he isn't wrong.


The reason I ask about the card is that if you look at the card 2392 you will see that 1234Q are the same height as 8H765 from the bottom of the key rather then the top. If you use card 3404 that reads one cut from top then one from bottom of same axis so 1234Q are now not relevant because its using 8H765 from the other side instead.


I've always done this & haven't had any issues my self, Silca say I can't decode this key & to only cut it to code so I can't say its fact or say its the way its done but I done a lot of cars to date using this method without issue.



:smt120 :smt102

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funny that, when I read this earlier I thought to myself, there was a time when I understood every single post on the forum & usually new every single answer! how things change after just 9 years! now I haven't a clue on anything!



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so the code 212HQH from the dealer how does that equate to the key?

trying to understand the decode on this. not lol

whats the difference between a H and an 8

same goes for Q and a 4? thats on the 2392 card, im on instacode at home so cant look at 3404 as it doesnt have the silca card on it!!!

carry on!

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8 is the same as H

4 is the same as Q

You can substitue one for the other when entering the bitting without having any effect on the key once cut. I have no idea why they even have Q and H but I assume it is just to make it complicated.


I dont have a Silca machine but the bitting from shoulder to tip would be HQH212, or 848212.

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Ok...This is all a bit confusing for me not that it takes much. Just had a call from a lockie struggling with this one. Citreon C3 Picasso 2009 given a key code of H00HCA1760 I can't seem to get a bitting for that code by entering the code in the Futura even selecting Valeo (2T-6W) AllCombinations. It's just the last 5 characters right?

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  • 3 weeks later...

has anyone else had problems uploading to the latest software via wifi ?

I cant get internet access though the "machine" nor for that matter can supplier or Mat at Silca, all have tried even my IT guy has tried and failed

we can ethernet it and it works a treat very fast compared to wifi updates but that not the point why wont it do it wirelessly?

carry on!

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has anyone else had problems uploading to the latest software via wifi ?

I cant get internet access though the "machine" nor for that matter can supplier or Mat at Silca, all have tried even my IT guy has tried and failed

we can ethernet it and it works a treat very fast compared to wifi updates but that not the point why wont it do it wirelessly?

carry on!



Ok. I have had a good try with this and not managed to get the update to work. I believe I'm connected to the local network via wifi though At least it says "Local Network connection Successful". Click update and nothing happens. If there is no update it normally tells you.


Maybe Matt can comment?

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has anyone else had problems uploading to the latest software via wifi ?

I cant get internet access though the "machine" nor for that matter can supplier or Mat at Silca, all have tried even my IT guy has tried and failed

we can ethernet it and it works a treat very fast compared to wifi updates but that not the point why wont it do it wirelessly?

carry on!


Figured it out so call me on 07808 793418 I'll try and talk you through it.

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When updating your Futura there are a few things to take into account.


During the usual working mode (Access Point) the Futura machine broadcasts a WiFi signal which the tablet connects to. When you switch into Local Network mode, the Futura stops broadcasting this signal and instead connects to your router. (this can take a minute or two to succeed) If this has happened successfully, the Futura will eventually show only a blue light flashing (2 quick flashes and then a pause repeatedly).


At this stage, you will have lost control of the Futura because the tablet can not connect to it. You then go to the settings menu on the tablet and connect it to the same network as you did with the Futura (sometimes this will happen automatically if you have it already saved).


The next step is to open the Futura App on the tablet (which will probably show a 'please wait reloading' message) and swipe from the very left hand side of the screen towards the center. This will open a menu screen with the option 'Connect to', choose this and then click 'refresh'. after a couple of seconds a line of text will appear just above (usually Futura and some letters and numbers) click this and the tablet will once again be in control of the Futura.


Now you can check for upgrades and download them.


Once you have finished, put the Futura back into Access point mode via the network settings page and re-connect the tablet to the Futura (via the wifi search page) instead of your router. The Futura will only appear on the Wifi search screen once the downloaded update has installed and the Futura reset into Access mode - This has happened when the Futura only flashes a blue light in a consisstant on, off, on, off way.


There have been a couple of instances where customers have failed to connect to the Futura over the wireless network, but I am yet to have this problem personally. If updating in this way is not possible for you, we can make other arrangements for you.


As always feel free to contact me if you need any help,


Matt - 01293 531 134

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