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Silverline Locker Key

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Usually if you omit the ‘W’ prefix (so in this case it would just be 5224) you can use Instacode Card 32.

Lowe & Fletcher using HD 87R.





With Silverline & Bisley the prefix 'W' normally means L&F 92 series with a 3 digit code, but I'm not convinced W5 is a prefix. Most 4 digit cabinet/locker key codes are not on general release, held back by the manufacturer or UK supplier to ensure additional keys can only be cut by them.

You will need to buy the entire series of differs and decode onto your own card if you want this and source the blanks?

87R/ 26, 12 & 6 platforms are mostly master keyed.... makes it pretty easy if that's the correct old L&F profile, and the pre fix is W5..

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