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just had a local dealer in to cut a blade by code , their broken key had 10 cuts but the key code they gave me came up with 11 cuts ? They also advised me that the cuts had to be in reverse order . The IC card used on the Blitz was 840. Just waiting to hear from the dealer if this key works .

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The new K13 key cuts are not on Instacode but you can use them. The 11 cut is not used on any vehicles here that we have seen. The intelligent ignitions in this country only have 3 wafers and the door locks are the same as a none intelligent. 10 cut works fine on all in the UK.


As for yours:

They are 10 cuts and they reverse.

If the cuts are 1222113344 then cut as 4433112221


They are all like this on the new type remotes.

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