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I always understood that they are universals, but taller to cope with the UAP being higher.

You would be better with the genuine blanks in my opinion, I have cut loads of these for master suites and KA where I had the locks to hand, they can be quite choosy about the keys and cutting and a genuine blank would give the best results.


YMMV of course.



Totally Agree, genuine blanks only for me as well for UAP keys.

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We've been supplying U-26D in place of UAPKB for quite a while now and I haven't had any customers report any problems.

We also got some UAP cylinders in to test them before we started supplying them and again, didn't come across any problems.


UAP Euro cylinder review / appraisal


I'd be careful about offering keys for UAP cylinders, they are seriously budget end 'Super Chinese' cheap but have managed to build them to anti snap TS007 1 star which makes them a bugger if they fail or a key snaps in the cylinder.


Who is going to get the blame for the cylinder failing/key snapping? You - or UAP - either way I don't think your customer in your shop will be happy.


We've tested the UAP cylinders and decided not to offer them to our customers - retail or trade #liable comments removed#


There is a reason why ABS, Mul T Lock, Yale euro cylinders etc are more expensive than others you've never heard of - it's called experience and support.


Sorry to sound boring as I hark back to the major suppliers - but sometimes you need to consider £3 margin Vs £125 replacement for a snapped key/failed cylinder/bad key cut.

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