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which is a better buy computer or lazer engraver??

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I am considering investing into an engraver but wondered whether to go for a computer or lazer machine. At the moment I have a computer engraver in one shop and pantagraph in two others but need to upgrade in one. I would like it to engave upto around 8''x6'' flat and upto about tankard size cylindrical. Question is which would be my best option for retail engraving not realy trophy engraving.

Thanks for advice and Merry Christmas to all.

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I am considering investing into an engraver but wondered whether to go for a computer or lazer machine. At the moment I have a computer engraver in one shop and pantagraph in two others but need to upgrade in one. I would like it to engave upto around 8''x6'' flat and upto about tankard size cylindrical. Question is which would be my best option for retail engraving not realy trophy engraving.

Thanks for advice and Merry Christmas to all.


Depens on what sort of retail gifts if wooden and glass laser would go good with pantograph if mainly metal a rotary engraver would be better I use both a lot and couldn't be without either in my opinion you need both types of engraver laser and rotary to offer a all round service


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