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Shoe Repairer Forum

Did I do the right thing

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I had a shoe in last week with a foam padded ankle surround that had burst.


The customer asked me if I "Could just run a little stitch across the top" to which I replied "No" as it needed repairing properly. (This was one of those customers where you just know from experience that they want to pay less than two quid and are quite happy to have a botch job done just to save a couple of quid)


Here's my dilemma: Should I have just taken the money and done what she requested or was I right in sticking to my guns by insisting the job be done correctly as I have pride in my work and I wouldn't want any of her friends to see the crap repair she wanted and think all of my work was like that?


She didn't have the job done even though it was only £5.99.



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"I have pride in my work" Thats why it was the correct choice. If it not up to your standard to do don't do it. I wouldn't want to loose some of my reputation for a job that isn't the best job for the customer.


I bet if you had "just run a little stitch across the top" & it didn't hold. She would have complained that you did a bodge job you did.

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These kind of people are always more hassle than they're worth. The kind of people that you'll do exactly as they ask and probably never be happy unless they get a decent job for free. So IMO, definitely doing the right thing....it'll save inevitable complaints and wasted time you could be using to give someone else a good job for a good price.

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