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Bavaria Leather Soles

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I know Paul, I hate having to skive strong leather as it tends to caramelise if your band's not brand new. What was the beer like then ya P*$$head :lol:


windy, I don't have a set way of doing leather soles to be honest. I sometimes use other designs depending on my mood and what sort of condition the upper is in. This is my preferred method though. I use the cup holders from my engraver to create the curves and I do the first coat of black with a permanent marker, second coat with Scuff Kote. I don't like using stuff like Brytaline as it can look too thick or smudged.


I'm going to be getting some more of those soles as you don't have to use any stain on them and just a single coat of lacquer really enhances the appearance.



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  • 2 months later...

Ditch the apron Rick.....if you want the Leather to cut against then cut a square around 9" and attatch in the centre of a new Apron with DuraDots. Change for a new one as needed (also alows to be removed for washing/cleaning of the Apron.

1st impressions count.

New expencive light coloured shoes/bags do not deserve to get into close encounters with a grubby Apron.

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I must admit, Rick's apron is looking a bit scutty, but his workmanship (from the photos provided) looks great to me.


It's impossible to remain clean and clinical 100% of the time, due to the nature of the job, but just lately, I've been trying to smarten up my act! There's nothing worse than trying to sell a big trophy order/wedding order (engraving) whilst wearing an apron that looks like its 50 years old and contains half of last week's lunch!


You can be the most highly skilled craftsman in the world, but customers don't know any different until you present your work, so first impressions are crucial!!.....


...It's something that Timpsons do really well, In my opinion. All of their shops are well presented and displayed, regardless of the skills of the in-store staff!


It costs next to f*** all to turn up to work, in a smart uniform! If you're a one-man band, have a look at the trousers/shirts/jumpers in Asda/Primark!

The gear is so cheap, yet respectable looking, that it really doesn't matter if it's ruined in a few weeks!

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