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Unless its an early 97-98 ID13 that can be cloned to a T5, all the others will have to be programmed with the vehicle present.

Depending on the year, the CRV uses T6, 8E, or ID46 chips.

Although you can clone an ID46, you'll need an integrated remote/key otherwise the alarm will trigger when you try to manually open the door.


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Thanks for the replies fellas.


It's a 2003 model. I need another remote too but was hoping to buy a used one and reprogramme it to my car.

I've spent months trying to find out why my remote won't work after changing the battery and having a new alternator fitted after being told I had a faulty diode which was draining the battery enough to affect the remote. I reprogrammed the remote yesterday which has solved the problem.


A vehicle locksmith local to me said I need to obtain the key and remote for him to program it which is a strange request. I'll try a different one.


At least I now know i will need to take it in I be programmed.




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if a locksmith has said that YOU need to get HIM a remote key to program, then he is probably one you should steer clear of. We all have suppliers that can get any part we don't have, delivered to us the morning after if need be. I am guessing he has a chinese copy of a key programmer, hence has no account with any suppliers. Just a hunch

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You may be right and i'll look elsewhere.


One thing that bothers me is i've had this problem with my remote for some time and i've posted on multiple forums. Some of the advice has been great but not one specialist on some of the forums has suggested my remote could need resetting (and one of those was a Honda specialist!)


I found a general site last night which explained the remote issue in detail. Problem now fixed. I wonder how much Honda would have charged me for that :?


Anyway, thanks for the advice. I might just enquire with Honda first to see what they charge for the key/remote.



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