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citreon xsara picasso

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I'm pretty sure its the standard on/off 3 times procedure.


Last Citroen we did, customer left the car outside while he went shopping. I copied it as normal,

then almost crapped myself when it wouldn't start with either the new copy or original :cry:


Customer came back, I sheepishly explained it wouldn't start. He tried and it started no problem :D


Being French and automatic, you had to press the brake for it to start. Why don't Keyline tell you that :?

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How did you get on with this key Lee?


The Alternate method between the 2 keys is only for 'Renaults' with ID46 chips.

Every other ID46 (PH20) only needs 3 turns with the TK60/100.


However, if you do use the Renault procedure on a non-Renault car the key should still clone without any problems.




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Customer just been back with the picasso & heres the story.


I cut the key & went out to the car & returned an error number 66 on the machine on Thursday.


So I took the chaps telephone number & contacted keyline, who quickly told me it was because the machine hadn't updated correctly at some point.


They took control of the machine remotely via teamviewer & did the update for me, it seamed odd watching my mouse & computer doing things whilst I drank tea & eat bananas!


Anyway customer has literally just driven off having had a further successful attempt. £70 in the till & top back up & support from Keyline. \:D/



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I guess I'm lucky because I know the right people to talk or email, but the machine was done & sorted with in an hour or so. & I could have resolved it myself almost instantly with the explanation via the return email, but since the offer was there to do it for me, I downloaded team viewer & let them do it. Just to be certain it was done correctly as I didn't want to look a nugget in front of the customer if I still had problems!


I Can't fault the 884 or Keyline. It works for me.



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