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advice given on spec/glasses repair

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  • 1 year later...

Hi there


I put "Optical repairs" into the search bo on the Shoe repairer web site and came across your post. We are a watch and key cutting business through in Dunfermline/Scotland and we are getting asked to do optical repairs more often than ever now. We would like to find a good supplier of parts which dosnt seem to be easy but we would also be interested in gaining some tips on how to repair eyewear.


Any information you could give us would be greatly appreciated.


Kind regards


Craig Hunt


Mob: 07540 835174

E: craig@drfix.co.uk

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Hi Craig


I would suggest going along to your local Opticians and asking if you could get some old spec/glasses that have been handed in that can't be used for a charity and have a practice on them, also they are good for getting spare parts from. You might also be lucky and be shown how to straighten and repair a frame as most branches don't have the time for repairs and will not touch other Opticians frames.


The only frames that I solder are all metal ones as I can't repair broken plastic frames. Metal frames with plastic temples/sides that have broken at hindge also can't be repaired unless fitting a new side.

Watch out for Titanium metal frames very light, as they can't be repaired due to material type.


Optical equipment for repairs


Optical screw driver, mix of blades

pliers for adjusting frames 2-3

cutters pliers for screws

locktite 232 pink colour

nose pads mixed sizes, silicone most popular, push fit and screw fit

screws nosepad 1mm, 1.2mm, eyewire and temple 1.4mm rethreading 1.5mm and 1.6mm

soldering gun butane gas

silver solder/brazing wire with flux

1000-1200 grit wet and dry sand paper

mini drill and drill bits

tweezers 2 pair 1 fine, 1 for soldering

soldering stand third hand

microfibre cloth for cleaning lenses

can get touch up paints if required


pricing that I charge.

screws £1.00

Nose pads pair £5.00

Temple tips pair £4.00

Solder £10.00 two to same frame £12,50

rethread supra frame £5.00

sides, depends what is required, best bet to get a range of old frames from opticians and dismantle for parts. From a £1.00 depending on condition.


Suppliers will require an account set up.


Ebay. Nose pads bulk aprox 6p a pair, pliers and some screws


http://www.centrostyle.com/ebook/quadra ... 062GB.html





Hope this is of some help


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