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Feed/Stitch-Length Mechanism, Singer 29K15

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The foot goes backward/forwards out of sync with the up/down motion. That is to say that it won't feed properly, since the foot is still on the material when it goes back and forward. Before (or after) completing the back forward motion, it then goes up and down. The forward backward motion is also out of sync with the needle movement, as it goes forward before the needle comes down and the needle then crashes into the foot. I have taken the thing apart entirely and thought for hours. Finally I read somewhere online that the stitch length mechanism can be shot.


My question is this: What parts are likely to need replacing? Logically, it seems the "feed motion bell crank lever" and the "foot bar" would be the culprits, as they should probably have more friction than they do, or something like that. It doesn't make sense to me that the little stitch length regulator could be entirely responsible for this problem.


Any advice much appreciated!


Thanks in advance,


Ana Kim

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phew anakin, it sounds like timing is correct. Also 29k15 is very old.


1. Is the needle coming down in the middle of the hole in the plate covering the shuttle?

2. If it is but hits the foot it is probably a bent shaft that the foot is attached to.

3. If it doesnt it is a bent needle bar OR the clamp part the needle goes into is too worn. This can be seen when you put the needle in and tighten the screw if the needle starts moving to the side you will need a new clamp.


The stitch length regulator only causes problems with the foot going up and down, you can loosen the clamp a little to see if this is a problem

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