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Vauxhall Combo ignition barrel??

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a customer of mine is having trouble with his ignition barrel. Basically he's starting to have problems turning the key in the ignition.


Does anybody know if a new barrel can be made up from the key code he has for his Combo? or is he going to have to fit a barrel with it's own keys? It's a 2007 with laser Z series blade





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If you get a new barrel then turn they key all the way to the right turn the lock upside down and push in the pin

allowing it to turn a little further.


Keep your finger over the pin otherwise it will fly out and could hit you in the eye.


if you now remove this pin you can then remove the core.


Do the same with the old lock then you should just change the wafers to match the new key.


NW keys sell a service kit or most of the time you can use the old wafers.

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