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good lace supplier

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Just because a supplier chooses to sponsor / advertise on a trade specific forum (i.e. the most targeted place for them to advertise) does that mean visitors to that site are obliged to use or recommend them? Or should we give our colleagues on here advise based on our experiences with the different suppliers?


* Not at all based on the shoe laces companies mentioned / implied, just a reply to Keith's point*

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I would like to think that the sponsors would be recommended rather than avoided and certainly first port of call. The risk is that they may pull their sponsorship. If there are issues with a said company, surely it should be taken up with them and resolved, as it is in many circumstances.

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Well if nobody else will, I'll name the 'Elephant in the room'.

I use Shoestring, have done for years, and have no problems with doing so.


I know some disagree with their policy of selling to the public via their website, and I appreciate this point of view.


I also see the argument that if I am able to point my customer in their direction to buy a single pair of laces in an add colour / length that I don't keep in stock then I'm keeping my customer happy, which can only be a good thing.


Realistically I'm not going to worry about losing a customer as shoelaces are not the sort of product that lends itself to purchasing online, except for the odd occasion as mentioned.

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I would like to think that the sponsors would be recommended rather than avoided and certainly first port of call. The risk is that they may pull their sponsorship. If there are issues with a said company, surely it should be taken up with them and resolved, as it is in many circumstances.



It's business. If a supplier is better and at the right price, to be totally honest, who gives a stuff where they push their advertising budget. Are suppliers in this industry as loyal to us as you ask us to be to them?


It's business, simple.

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I think thats wholly unfair Keith, this topic was raised way back in July 2012 & specifically asked for a supplier who didn't sell direct to the public it was rekindled by our new member gunrunner (welcome aboard gunrunner :smt066 )


Yes you should never bite the hand that feeds you, but IMO no one actually did. A negative topic was professionally avoided by the members by not giving a politically contentious recommendation different to the question.



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I would like to think that the sponsors would be recommended rather than avoided and certainly first port of call. The risk is that they may pull their sponsorship. If there are issues with a said company, surely it should be taken up with them and resolved, as it is in many circumstances.



It's business. If a supplier is better and at the right price, to be totally honest, who gives a stuff where they push their advertising budget. Are suppliers in this industry as loyal to us as you ask us to be to them?


It's business, simple.


I'm just saying you should maybe give them a chance, I'm not suggesting you should use them because they sponsor the site, just be mindful that they do, of course it's business!

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My personal opinion is that no member of this site would be threatened by any supplier selling to the public, it's just not a valid argument imho. All I'm saying is don't cut your nose off and spite your face. If you need a product and they can supply, why worry, that's just good business sense!

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I asked the original question as I had bought a range of laces ,off a company then found they were selling the same products online which personally I don't agree with so decided for my future purchases to buy off a wholesaler that offers there goods to the trade only. In this case it's not really important as we're only talking laces,but it's the principal of wholesalers selling direct that I don't like .I attended a business seminar last year and this subject was discussed and generally was seen as bad practice,even though seems to be more common practice these days.

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