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Shoe Repairer Forum

June 2012 - Member of the year award 2012

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It time for our yearly MEMBER OF THE YEAR competition.


This years prize is a £100 Argos voucher.


The winner will be the member who receives the most votes. (In the event of a tie, I will make the final decision based on the “reason for the nomination” replies.)


So who do you think is a worthy winner? Who’s given that something extra to the forum this year?


cast your vote


The winner will be announced on our 7th Birthday, the 1st July 2012.


Previous winners


2006: Ascap29

2007: Hugh-Candoit (ENG) & Planet UK900

2008: Planet UK900

2009: TeL200

2010: Andy

2011: RLJ



Good Luck.




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  • 3 weeks later...

The Shoe Repair Forum Member of the year award 2012.


So today sees the forum hitting its 7th year. It’s been a fantastic journey for me, not only has it changed my working life it has also changed my personal life. Members have given me the information & skills to take things in new directions previously unconsidered & I would like to thank all those who’ve helped me in the past 7 years!


I would like to thank all the sponsors for their continued support of the site, I think we’d all miss the resource if ever it disappeared & the support the wider trade lends to the project is still very important to keeping it so unique!


Thanks also to the moderators, some days I don’t know where I would be without them.


Our Member of the Year award this year sees yet another winner to the role of honour it shows how things move & change! We always have new members rising to the fore each year.


This years winner of a £100 Argos voucher had nomination comments which included


“ 'Cause he's so damn helpful!!”


“Graham is very knowledgeable on all aspects of the trade and is never slow to come forward and offer help, and is always ready to send stock out to help other members for no financial gain. Has a good sense of humour too.”


“ For consistent & continued excellence in service to those with key & lock problems & enquiries. Or to put it another way, he's identified a lot of blanks this year!”


The 2012 Member of the year is


grahamparker - Graham Parker from Parkers Multi Service Centre Grimsby


Many congratulations Graham. & here is my own thoughts on your win………….


“I like Graham, except for his tunes of the day.”


Congratulations grahamparker - Member of the year 2012.



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Well done Graham (great name), =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> ... In the words of Andy.. "I pass the gauntlet of godlyness to you my son......look after it well......and remember.....with great power comes great responsibility"............ I stayed up late for the result............can I go to bed now?................... viewtopic.php?f=23&t=8396&p=81203#p81203 ................Ignore all the soppy I'm in love with you stuff... [-X [-X

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Wow, what a totally unexpected honour.Thank you to all who voted for me.


I would also like to say a massive thank you to Lee and all the moderators as without them this site would not exist.


Cheers for the cliff video Gray,put a big smile on my hungover face this morning.

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Graham, you deserved it and you got it. Good work never go unnoticed, and the forum members and moderators have confirmed it by honoring you with the MEMBER OF THE YEAR 2012 award.


Overall, this forum members are very good in helping other members, however, Graham excelled in it.


Congratulations Graham and keep the good work up.



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the moderators have confirmed it


It's not the moderators - we only have one vote each like all other members.

The vote is open to the whole membership of the site & the final decision is decided on the vote alone, no debate, discussions or casting votes involved.

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the moderators have confirmed it


It's not the moderators - we only have one vote each like all other members.

The vote is open to the whole membership of the site & the final decision is decided on the vote alone, no debate, discussions or casting votes involved.


My bet,

The correction have been made





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what happens next year? do you


A. squeeze a new name row next to 2008

B. Use some random small font & squeeze 2013 under 2012

C. Start on the back

D. add a piece of plywood on the back & start adding side shields round the outside?

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