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I've had a run on these through the shop for a local golf course. I've had to make them on the easyentrie as I can't find the blank anywhere. its a similar profile to the HD ass63 but longer.


Any ideas?




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This is a new blank and there are no substitute blanks in production as far as we can tell.

An interim solution may be to try Silca ASS12 or AS-G7 and reduce the length at the nose.

Hope this helps.

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I tried the locker company direct & its was all obstacles, wanting letters from the club & lots of money for the blanks.


I've done a few on the easyentrie but it will be good when I can get the blanks.



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Ok, plan B. Contact the golf club direct, tell them that you are having a lot of members asking for duplicate keys for their lockers aand although you can do this via your easy entrie machine it would be easier all round if the genuine blanks were used.

Ask the club to obtain the blanks and either pass them on to you or issue them to a member on the understanding that that bring them to you, their prefered key cutter who can cut the blank for them.

Bear in mind that golfers are funny people, they keep hitting their balls and then tell you that they enjoy it !!!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Migs.................Fekin awesome... I almost feel the need to rub your knees... :lol: :lol:

Wonderful to watch, the strain on the air frame must be imense, but Migs are something else to watch, always have been :D


Not sure how good they are in combat situations though, I think the latest western kit would kick it's arse :wink:


But Mig, keep making these wacky aircraft, the world wouldn't be the same without you!

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