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Engraving a signature

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Hi Chaps,

I have got a chance of getting a big order with a new business that makes customised snare drums for customers, one of the criteria they are asking for is that the customer will require thier own signature on the drum plate. They have sent me a scanned signature, but, for some reason it will not engrave as just the signature but as a picture, this causes my engraver to engrave the plate as a picture and not as just the signature.

Is it that the file they have sent me is in the wrong format (jpeg) or am i trying to bring it into my engraver as the wrong file format?

I use the universal 300 using the vistool 8 program.


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I love doing this type of job.

As long as you have a good black & white image to work from, you'll be fine. JPEG, TIFF, any image format is fine.


Go to Pictures > Insert Picture > & select the JPEG from where you've saved it on your PC.

In the 'Import Picture' dialogue box that pops up when you've chosen the image, click on 'Trace' Click 'Okay & click on screen to bring up the 'Tracing Picture' dialogue - select 'Fine' & click okay.

Your image now appears on screen as an outline.

Click 'Shift + Q' to bring up the hatching dialogue, I'd use Hatching rather than Island fill, & use a tip diameter appropriate to the size of the text.


Hopefully this helps, here's a screengrab of one I did last year on a wedding knife using the happy couple's handwriting.


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