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Timpsons do it again

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non slip heels is what the sign says. just cant believe it.

what makes them think that people arent going to slip on something that small that supports your body weight is beyond me..


First the rhino lifetime guaranteed soles now this. What next ......

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The sign outside my local T's says non slip PU's only £1 extra. Also had a guy in a couple of weeks ago for some rubbers soles & i noticed they had the guaranteed rhino timpson soles on. So i asked him why he didn't take them back to timpsons for free replacements, he said he did but as they wern't offering that deal anymore they wouldn't honour it. How does that work if they had a life guarantee ? ?

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The sign outside my local T's says non slip PU's only £1 extra. Also had a guy in a couple of weeks ago for some rubbers soles & i noticed they had the guaranteed rhino timpson soles on. So i asked him why he didn't take them back to timpsons for free replacements, he said he did but as they wern't offering that deal anymore they wouldn't honour it. How does that work if they had a life guarantee ? ?


Because luckily for you, the guy at your local sounds like the type of c**t you expect us all to be. If it has a lifetime guarantee he should honour it. I refuse to sell them but still keep stock of them for when customers bring them in to be re-done

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