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wooden signs...

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hi chaps,


i have had a request from a friend in Norway for wooden signs, he has a fishing camp way above the actic circle and i think he's looking for wooden signs for the house names for the apartments to fit in with the other decor around the place...


i've had the rustic signs from mastergrave before which are OK, but would like to offer him a choice of style and design...


there is seven apartments plus the fish house and other bits so i'm guessing at ten signs maybe??


can anyone help??


thanks in advance...

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hi rob,


he is norwegian, i don't know if you've ever been to norway but everything is horribly expensive out there, £10 a pint and £16 for a kebab on the way home, i would imagine wooden signs will be 3 times the price over there also, plus i'd do them at the trade price for him, another plus point he's spending money in the UK, win win... \:D/


i've sent him the link to the mastergrave website to see if the rustic wood signs is what he's looking for...


I do not know if your friend is english and wants you to source the signs or is Norwegian and you are helping but if he is Norwegian and wants the signs produced close to home then :

Irslinger Tre & Design

Tlf 40 49 73 76

Epost: post@treogdesign.no

Org nr: 996 145 212

Evjemoen bygg 71

4735 Evje

Aust-Agder Fylke


Will be able to help

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Dear dude,(dude in the absence of a name)


Yes I have been to Norway , I was in Alesund two weeks ago and although I spend more time in Finland than Norway we contract our services to several Norwegian company so I am aware of the apparent differential between prices here in the Uk and there. Fortunately I do not drink when I am in business mode and would be totally tee total were I Norwegian due to the price except for a wee dram of linie aquavit on medical grounds by way of topping up the antifreeze . Believe me I eat and have eaten some rubbish in my time but I can not think why anyone would want to eat a kebab so I do not find that cost a challenge. I do find however that as you push north out of the cities the prices are a little bit more reasonable.


I did ask if you were helping or whether it was a more commercial transaction and I see where you are coming from . No disrepect to the rustic wood slices from mastergrave though but , and it is only my opinion, they are a bit utilitarian and you would have a lot of work to bring them into the norwegian chic bracket. Another thought and you might check is that they also have the bark on and whilst they are lacquered I just wonder if they will be allowed into the country under quarantine conditions especially with the probem we and other countries are having with phytophthora at the moment. You could always try a company like timbmet or fitchet and woolacot to buy some good square edge kiln dried timber and go from there .


Anyway I wish you well.


hi rob,


he is norwegian, i don't know if you've ever been to norway but everything is horribly expensive out there, £10 a pint and £16 for a kebab on the way home, i would imagine wooden signs will be 3 times the price over there also, plus i'd do them at the trade price for him, another plus point he's spending money in the UK, win win... \:D/


i've sent him the link to the mastergrave website to see if the rustic wood signs is what he's looking for...



Hi rob,


sorry if i offended you with my previous answer, i didn't know you went there regularly, i don't know many who go to norway, most are like me and go for a holiday or fishing and a good leveler for how expensive it is is how much a pint and a kebab costs, so anyway, i would love to go out there more, beautiful country, lovely people, i even got chatted up by a Sami lady the last time i was in Tromso (she must have been hard up) , she had 600 reindeer but turned down my proposal of marriage as i didn't own any.... #-o


back to business, it's driftwood style signs my friend is after, i've sourced a couple of suppliers of this item including one here in scotland, i'm waiting on him to send me a link to the norwegian company for the signs he likes, they are priced at 1000NOK or over £100 each over there and these companies will do trade prices for me so it's a win win...





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