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I traded in silca fast copy machine in to Sks for the offer on the TRS 5000 back in November.since I've had machine it will read TPX2 chipped keys tells you it will clone but will not retrieve the code from the original key. Goes through the process but finishes with copy error verify and will not copy code :?

Machines been back to Sks they sent back saying machines ok since it's been back I've lost out on another three keys two ford one mitsubishi all of which I could have copied on the fast copy machine Has anyone else had this problem..? Thanks. Ian

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Just a thought, You are progamming the chip inside the keyblank. The chip has to be vertical with copper bit down.


We had a couple of problems when copying these and holding the chip or leaving the chip in its original packaging.


But all been ok since changing the way we do it.


Hope this helps

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Hi Danny not getting to the stage of putting in chip it comes up with copy error whilst trying to get code from original key ie put in original key press read then it tells you it's TPX2 tells you to press copy to decode key. Goes through the process searching. Ie the cross goes back and forth to find code bot fails to find it don't even get to the stage of putting in chip :-k

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Ian, when you insert the customers key & press Read, the machine will tell you to copy to a TPX2 chip.

When the screen changes & tells you to insert the TPX2 chip & press Copy, you remove the customers key & insert your TPX2 chip & then press Copy. The cross then moves across the screen as the new chip is being programmed. You should never press Copy when the customers key is in the TRS5000 when cloning a Texas chip.

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Thanks for Help I'm at the end of my tether ](*,) firstly it's only next to telephone socket and light .to clarify phoned Sks and asked procedure they told me to leave original key in until it tells you to put in the tpxchip Machine reads the key tells you it's atpx2 then says copy press copy then should tell you to put in the new chip. Are you saying that you have to remove original key as soon as it has told you what chip it is ? If so when does it actually retrieve the code? :-k

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The YouTube clip is correct. TRS only takes 3 or 4 seconds to read the customers key. When it says 'Press Copy' you remove customers key & put new key & tpx2 chip in machine & press copy. As a further piece of information for you, when the new chip is being programmed (the cross going back & forward across the screen) some makes & models of cars take longer than others. Be patient & leave new key in position until you hear the magic beeps. Hope this all helps because it is a very good piece of kit.

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Hello, I have just seen this post, I think most info has gone over. But ... a small recap.


place customers key inTRS - Press Read, machine should say TP06 copy onto TPX2, take original key out.

Place TPX2 chip in and press copy,

Leave machine untill complete.


If the machiens shows copy error verify, either the original key is still in the machine and it tried to copy onto it - but has failed - Or a chip Used or not TPX2 has been placed into the TRS5000 - if so start again as above.


it really should be as easy as that .

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Hi, I just checked with Chris who you spoke to here when the machine was returned, I believe you were trying to Sniff the Car data on the TPX2 chips. Just to confirm the machine will tell you if information is needed and you only need to Sniff information at the car with the TPX3/4 chips and not the TPX2 chips.

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