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Silca Delta Fo help needed with jaguar cutting

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i came to do my 1st jaguar tibbe key yesterday with my Silca Delta Fo & i couldn't for the life in me get the machuine set up how it needs to be to do the 8 cuts.


Basically i loosened off the screw that allows the arrow to be moved to next to the "J" but when i have it in jaguar position "A" for the 1st cut the blank key seems too far over to the right so the blade will cut into the stem.


I just can't see how i can get the key in the correct postion




Oh & i've only been cutting keys for 2 months & have had no probs doing ford keys or cylinder keys with my other machine





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Send me a few pictures to my email dan.sanderson@3dgroupuk.com of the cradle with key in and markings. Take a few pictures and I will try and help you. What you are explaining seems you have done correctly but you may of missed something.


Not got it now, the guy i was going to cut it for has got it now. I'll try get hold of it again



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On the left hand side of the jaw there are two sets of numbers,one in red 1 through to 8 for jaguar and a set to the right in white which you use

for ford 1 through to 6.That is how you cut the 8 cuts instead of 6.


You loosen then end screw where the tip goes in and move the mark round to the J then use the left hand numbers to cut the 8 cuts with heights 1-3.


Hope that makes sense if not pm me as i think i may have the original manual somewhere.

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On the left hand side of the jaw there are two sets of numbers,one in red 1 through to 8 for jaguar and a set to the right in white which you use

for ford 1 through to 6.That is how you cut the 8 cuts instead of 6.


You loosen then end screw where the tip goes in and move the mark round to the J then use the left hand numbers to cut the 8 cuts with heights 1-3.


Hope that makes sense if not pm me as i think i may have the original manual somewhere.


this is exactly what i'd done, i also downloaded the pdf manual from the net to check it

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no that's just a key that the guy i bought the machine from cut to show me what not to do. He reset the depth straight after. The only key i've had a bit of bother with was with an old transit with the most worn looking key i've ever seen. Key got stuck but managed to sort it by smoothing of the sharp edges


thanks though :D

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