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Shoe Repairer Forum

Gold Lettering on Leather

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Hot Blocking or Embossing, same thing, used to be available from most shoe repair establishments many years ago.


Using printer’s type held in a frame in a levered press, it was heated via a thermostat. The leather was placed onto a receiving block with a gold or gold aluminium foil tape over the receiving area. With a quick action the hot print was bounced onto the tape. Very effective and seeming simple, which it was for a loose flat piece of patching leather.


Then the problems come. Grained leather, very light grain could be compressed with a hefty bounce, most times. Heavy grains only the top of the grain took. Wallets with all their layers would not present a flat surface, only part the type taken.


Then the different leather finishes came, which did not take, and the chances of a second try are as remote as lining up engraving after taking it out the vice.


It is excellent for the goods you sell, where you have originated the jigs and blocks for the article, and a leather you have proved. A moneymaker.


Doing customers own goods is a big money looser.


I have seen this done with an engraving machine, using a steel point to transfer the foil to leather. Again it requires flat proven material well clamped or held.

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craig, did you take any photos of the purses?it could be another trade service you could offer as most of us get asked about engraving leather which we have to turn away,,be good to see laser finish on leather..



no pics and not interested in it leather engraving is to fidaly luckily they were decent quality leather and flat so engraved ok



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cheers mate i got a call from the lady in inverness yesterday she sent me 3 purses and 2 wallets special delivery and i engraved them all today and sent them back to her.





Cheers Craig.


I take it this would be a one off or ok to pass on your details??


just a one off leather is to fidally



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