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I need a new key for an 06 plate Mazda 5.

Looking in the marvellous new Davenports key blank update book, I can cut it onto a MZ24U key blade & TK40 head, but this doesn't help with the remote locking operation.


Can anybody advise as to how I could go about getting a key done that includes the remote locking & unlocking?

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it was a joke :)


I know :wink:


There must be someone close with an MVP pro that can do it. If not, then buy yourself one, you may have the market over there?


I currently have an 883 & people balk at £30 for the standard transponder keys I can do on it. ](*,)

The prospects of doing keys at £80 - £150 (and more) just isn't going to happen for me right now.


And having watched Lee use his MVP Pro (and knowing how scared he was when using it :shock: ) it's just a market that I can't see myself getting into.

And as for desoldering chips & all that stuff - yikes, not a chance! =;

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it was a joke :)


I know :wink:


There must be someone close with an MVP pro that can do it. If not, then buy yourself one, you may have the market over there?


I currently have an 883 & people balk at £30 for the standard transponder keys I can do on it. ](*,)

The prospects of doing keys at £80 - £150 (and more) just isn't going to happen for me right now.


Exactly the predicament I am in right now. :?

No one locally does this but people, "make do with the 1 key for now" when quoted £40 for one I can clone on my 883.The thought of spending a couple of thousand on a machine to just sit there just doesn't do it for me at the moment. [-( [-(

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After posting this yesterday I started to think maybe I should bite the bullet and upgrade my 883.

](*,) I've now had a headache for 24 hours after trawling old posts and websites looking for an answer. ](*,)

I know I'm still going to get people moan about the price, but if I can cut a couple of ones I couldn't do on my 883, then this should be a good business decision.

Thinking of going for the Keycrypt Pro plus, though Hickleys have an ex-demo fully loaded AD900 at a good price.Don't want eeprom yet!!

I'm still a little confused about the remote situation.

1:So you can program a transponder chip and put it in a genuine remote, but only if the remote can be paired manually?

2: If it can't be paired manually can these machines program them? If not and the car has an alarm,does this mean we have to turn them away?

I normally pick things up quite well and I'm wondering if these seems a lot more complicated than it really is!!

More questions to follow #-o

p.s: did I see somewhere a company that will part ex my 883 for a keycrypt?

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1:So you can program a transponder chip and put it in a genuine remote, but only if the remote can be paired manually?
On some, the shinning example being the Ford. cloned on a tpx1 or 2 Chip put in 3 button manually programmed remote, full working key. but there's not many like that!


2: If it can't be paired manually can these machines program them? If not and the car has an alarm,does this mean we have to turn them away?
There are certain systems that you can't clone & those you turn away, but the machine will tell you which ones. I always advice customers to lock the car using the remote & then test to see if the blade alone will open & opperate the car, if it does its up to them if they want one!


I'm wondering if these seems a lot more complicated than it really is!!
Over the counter Cloning isn't that complicated its when you take the next step to progamming that the fun starts & that really is a trade in itself!
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:lol: :lol: :lol: Feelin your pain man. I went through the same thing. Do you wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweats?....................The keycrypt is a good machine and it has more potential than I can offer it due to my shop location.
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Sounds like one for the main dealer then.


You'll not get much change from £250 then


Main Dealer price £275.04 - which includes £25 + VAT for cutting the key blade :shock:


Sod that, I'll cut the blade myself & save a little bit...

Every little helps, as someone once said!

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