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Gravograph M20J

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Hi Terry


Please can you let me know the following:


a, Which build of G6 are you using? If you click on the ? at the top right hand corner of the screen a box will appear and in there it will say Gravostyle 6 version? build ?


b. Where about in the country are you?


c. Can you give me a PM with your telephone number and I can give you a call and check a few settings with you?


d. Have you aligned the machine? Or checked the alignment? Again, call me or let me know your number and I will see what i can do for you?


Kind regards



07976 248 813

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Hi Terry,

I had exactly the same problem with my machine only months after buying it, i had to take it back to Gravograph down in Milton Keynes, and then i had to plead my case in order for them to lend me a machine while mine was being fixed. Aparently it is a rare problem but i have had a few people tell me about it.

Get it back to them and let them sort it for you you have paid enough for it.



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Hi key cabin


Spoke to Gravograph yesterday, first thing they asked is what software version I had - turns out it was version 1. Gave me a link to latest software version (version 3!) installed it and it seems Ok. Switched between ring jaws any number of times and it works perfectly, still waiting to see what other tests I should do to confirm all is OK.


I'm not happy that I wasn't informed about software upgrades (where is v2), upgrades to software are only carried out when bugs are found or new functionality is added, either way I paid good money for the software and I should have been told when a new version was available. So I'm happy with the machine at the moment, but ....


Anyway, what software version are you running?


jo who is Michel?



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