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Advice on pricing - Trophys

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It's a bit of a first for me!

Been dunped with 15 various traphies to update (date back some years) they landed on my doorstep at home... More to arive apparently. Ok .. no prob! 3 are rotary jobs, some add to scruffy plate and others need a new plate.... I know.. all in a days work.


Trouble is that when she asked me weeks ago we agreed no price... Will phone phone her tomorrow (after B/H) but just wondered what sort of price you would ask as an average? either per item or job lot?


If I get a customer bring one into the store then I know what I charge for the job (not an issue) but I've not had the 'Job Lot' before.


This won't be a repeat as they are disbanding this year.... Any advice?




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box of anals = £6.50 per entry/per year for flat existing plate. extra £1.50 for a new plate


rotary entries £10 each for silver bands £12.00 for black bases infilled with white.

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i keep it simple with annuals


a tenner per name and charge for shields and plates if needed


the way i see it, if you count all the letters for a box of annuals you could have engraved a few in that time

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Thanks to all for the replies on this... So now they are all done and for fun I'm gonna work out and compair...


BTW Andy, I took your advice on general pricing about a yr ago and I remember the first week of saying "£8.50" ("Yes but how many letters can I have?") "£8.50 for what ever"

("Are you serious?") "Yes" "WOW"


Works EVERY time now and beating 2x Tmpo's around me.


So on a day I tend to charge £8.50 for simple flat setup, a tenna if curved or £12.50 for fancy design. Just could not decide what to do with three box's of mixed trophys in one go. But you all have helped. I get too soft sometimes :((



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I know I'm a bit late on this one, but here's a description of how I price annuals.

The more that come in together, the more the price drops, up to a point.

It might initially look complicated, but really isn't!


Additional names beyond the prices in the list are 50p per name.

i.e. a single flat item with date & 4 names would be £9.25

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