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As you may (or may not) know, photography is one of my hobbies.

This year, I've signed up to a website called http://365project.org

The basic concept is to take 1 photo each day day & post it, to create a photographic record of a year.

There's no more to it than that - photos can be of whatever you like, and a quick blurry snap, or precise studio set up - whatever you want.

Here's my shot of some keys from yesterday, the first work-related shot of my year, but probably not the last!


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I used to do a lot of photography a while ago but packed it in due to being too busy, but that is a fantastic compsition and as always the simple things make a better picture.


You are making me feel like i want to get back into photography again, mmm maybe thats what i will have for my belated xmas present :-k

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Steven, Kev and any other photography fans - the Cutting Edge magazine always always has issues over front cover photos. If you think you have any of interest ( the ones so far above are excellent quality) they will always be considered and probably used. The magazine has a tropic each quarter, shoe repairs, key cutting, engraving and watches, we have a meeting next week I think and will get more details.

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The magazine has a tropic each quarter, shoe repairs, key cutting, engraving and watches, we have a meeting next week I think and will get more details.


A hot tropic presumably? :lol:

I'm happy to supply some images for consideration, let me know any specific criteria & I'll get busy!


I tell you what, these would make fantastic covers


except these are all in landscape format... and the magazine isn't. ](*,)


Not to worry, I can redo the shots if necessary!

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I concur with the above posts, what about having different pictures on the cover on a regular basis supplied by individual businesses/members? The editorial committee could make a judgement at their meetings each quarter, then publish the most relevant pic for that magazine :D Can we have some more pics with a variety, ie, shoes, keys, engraving etc :wink:


Btw Steve, love the second pic, niiiiiiiiiiice =D>



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