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Shoe Repairer Forum

Johnsons Dry Cleaning Shoe Repairs Price List ?

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Hi everyone and happy new year !

Just notcied that Johnsons Dry Cleaining have started doing shoe repairs in my local area. I have read the other posts on the forum regarding who supplys them with the materials etc. I was wondering if anyone knows their prices for shoe repairs or whether these would vary from town to town etc. Has anyone else come across this in their locals towns and will they roll this out nationally etc.


Cheers for your time and have a Happy 2011

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I beliieve johnsons are rolling there shoerepairs nationally but remember they are only acting as agents, repairs being carried out mainly by contracted independants. Soon key cutting will follow. Timpsons are springing up everywhere where there's a tesco or sainsbury and there not all the usual state of the art units. I don't know what's going on between timpsons and johnsons but they are trying to saturate the market which in the long run can only be bad for everyone. As for prices they are on par with timpsons normal price list. I wouldn't worry too much about them, just carry on giving good service and if people are happy with the services you offer you'll be fine.

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What makes me laugh is this months cutting edge.

They are asking what we think or has anyone seen the small units timpson has put up.

Only taking up 2 parking spaces.

Im not botherd with timpson opening up at our local tesco.

But the industry seem to think its a good idea [-X ( only for the wholesalers £££££££) =D> =D>

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