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October 2010 - Time to have your say

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thoughts Martin?




my thoughts are if it is possible (like facebook sorry)

it could be 'friends on line' then if at the bottom of the screen, little tabs (with the person Angle on) then people could chat privatley to each other as well as being on the site - seems to work for the other sites might make the site better!

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we are getting more & more locksmithing & auto topics as many shoe repairers.....


We put in place the trade section which to view you have to join the trade group which is a closed non-public area which was the place for trade specific topics such as locksmithing & pricing. I've never been a fan of a zillion section forums as it becomes to confusing as to where to post what. is it time to re-name or re-section the trade section?


thoughts ?

Simple solution would be to add Child Boards (i.e. Locksmith, Pricing/Costing, Automotive) to the Trade Group section


Or add a Child Board to each existing board as required & accessible/viewable to Trade Group members only


Key Techs Board Shot.JPG

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I've not seen it Martin, can you give a link to a site using it so I can take a look?




Just bumping this remark, anyone else use a site like K4's?????


my thoughts are if it is possible (like facebook sorry)

it could be 'friends on line' then if at the bottom of the screen, little tabs (with the person Angle on) then people could chat privatley to each other as well as being on the site - seems to work for the other sites might make the site better!


I could do with some links to see what they are using.



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Following on from the October poll I have today introduced a new Trade User group only section as a sub section to the key cutting section specifically for Auto & Lock Smithing topics which you feel are trade sensitive.


I’ve also reorganised the look of the index page into 3 area rather than 5. Deleting the legal, Classified & members sections & amalgamating them into the miscellaneous section.


Guests Exclusions are


Posting to shout box

Posting to quotes

Viewing or Posting to chat room

Posting to Image gallery

Downloading or posting to downloads section

Posting to any forum

Viewing forums,

    Auto / Lock Smithing
    Trade group
    The Cobblers Arms
    This Months Poll
    H & S, Risk Assessment & Legal maters


To become a member of the site (FREE!) click here



Member Exclusions are


Viewing forums

    Auto / Lock Smithing
    Trade Group


To become a Trade Group user (FREE!) click here



I’m still pondering the finances, inc Ad’s or Fees, but if anyone wants to make an annual subscription via paypal to lee@cobb-lees.com I’ll send you out a receipt! & any donation you make will in my opinion be better value than any other trade association!


At this stage despite extensive searches I’ve not come across any Facebook/MSA user utilities that I can implement into the site



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