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Problem with RW4+P-Box

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At copying of a key with 46 chip on RW4 with P-Box, there is a strange situation. After zeroing of the data on SNOOP RW4 for some reason does not pass to inquiry SNOOP c the data read on the car. On screen RW4 all time remains REMOVE SNOOP, and all. To any keys does not react. But after deenergizing and inclusion P-Box, RW4 gives out inquiry about loading SNOOP c the data read on the car.

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I have the same problem with Snoop of recently purchased RW4plus. I have also posted this on this forum but no one have responded yet. I have not yet tried any other make than Chrysler/Dodge. I tried to do everything with the help of tech guys at ILCO (US supplier) but in vain.

Then I contacted the Tech Manager at ILCO who sent me an email saying that Snoop have problem reading date from Chrysler group of cars because these cars have only one code to read while snoop is made for reading two codes. He also informed me that Silca (original software developer for RW4 plus) know this problem and these guys are trying to develop a system to clone Chrysler group keys. He has given me a time frame of one to two weeks (i got his email today).


I have also tried to contact Silca in UK, but their tech guy was out of office. If you are located in UK you can send an email to him at this email address mvince@silca.it


Please keep posting the progress and I would also post as and when some thing good happens.


Good luck


Jaswant Kamboj


Now I realize that you are from Estonia. please check which Silca branch feeds your country's RW4 plus user tech needs and then you can send them an email or even talk to them over the phone.



Jaswant Kamboj

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Hi An326


May I ask you a question, from where (the manufacturer, country and name of distributor) did you buy this RW4 plus?


Why I am aksing this is because from another forum, some one have reported that the phyllips crypto (46 chip) can be sucessfuly cloned with machines available in europe.


Jaswant Kamboj

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