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AD900 & Keycrypt are the same machine (just a different logo & support.... or lack of it).... (Buy AD900, is my advice)..


ALSO: As a keycrypt owner; I would say that the ZedBull is the much better machine. But like everything, it also has it's faults, and some of them are huge!!!.. (read that last sentence again; and understand that nothing is perfect!).


If you JUST want to clone; Bianchi... or, my choice; RW4...


....but there will be a lot of different opinions that follow. Excluding those with a vested interest (beware); they are all valid!... Pay your money and take your choice!

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I use both AD900 and Zedbull, and would recommend both. They would both allow you to progress into transponder production and eeprom programming with additional software. Zedbull is quicker and more expensive but with more software as standard. I haven't had a problem with either machine so can't comment on after sales service.

Hope this helps.

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Call me on 07989476285




come on pete this forum is not for advertising and as far as cloneing only goes he would get better aftersales support from ad on ad900 or hickleys on zed bull than you with key crypt pro.




If you look i was not advertising here. I just asked him to call me.


It is funny that thousands of customers are very happy with the product and what it does and our tech support. We have come a long way since we 1st started.



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I have a key crypt pro, brought through Davenport Burgess & I've been more than happy with the back up I've received from davos, I also phoned Peter once & got an instant answer so in fairness to either Davenports (forum sponsors) or Peter the level of back up is more than acceptable on standard cloning.



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I have a key crypt pro, brought through Davenport Burgess & I've been more than happy with the back up I've received from davos, I also phoned Peter once & got an instant answer so in fairness to either Davenports (forum sponsors) or Peter the level of back up is more than acceptable on standard cloning.




i am not on here to slag of anyone only put down my thoughts on personal experiance i have 2 ad900 pro machines and i also ordered a key crypt pro through davos. davos customer service is ok but on the keycrypt pro the support is from pete and the ad900 support is from kim and i find kim faster and more helpful but pete has just called me and apoligised for the latsest slow add on of eeprom module which run into day 3 before i saw it. although he has now promised all new ones will be on within half an hour i have just ordered one 45 minutes ago so here goes lets update machine and see if it is their.


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I have a key crypt pro, brought through Davenport Burgess & I've been more than happy with the back up I've received from davos, I also phoned Peter once & got an instant answer so in fairness to either Davenports (forum sponsors) or Peter the level of back up is more than acceptable on standard cloning.




i am not on here to slag of anyone only put down my thoughts on personal experiance i have 2 ad900 pro machines and i also ordered a key crypt pro through davos. davos customer service is ok but on the keycrypt pro the support is from pete and the ad900 support is from kim and i find kim faster and more helpful but pete has just called me and apoligised for the latsest slow add on of eeprom module which run into day 3 before i saw it. although he has now promised all new ones will be on within half an hour i have just ordered one 45 minutes ago so here goes lets update machine and see if it is their.



suprise suprise no module i will check again before i shut the shop tonight.



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I have a key crypt pro, brought through Davenport Burgess & I've been more than happy with the back up I've received from davos, I also phoned Peter once & got an instant answer so in fairness to either Davenports (forum sponsors) or Peter the level of back up is more than acceptable on standard cloning.




i am not on here to slag of anyone only put down my thoughts on personal experiance i have 2 ad900 pro machines and i also ordered a key crypt pro through davos. davos customer service is ok but on the keycrypt pro the support is from pete and the ad900 support is from kim and i find kim faster and more helpful but pete has just called me and apoligised for the latsest slow add on of eeprom module which run into day 3 before i saw it. although he has now promised all new ones will be on within half an hour i have just ordered one 45 minutes ago so here goes lets update machine and see if it is their.



suprise suprise no module i will check again before i shut the shop tonight.



and as i expected no new module on ma machine well never mind maybe monday or tuesday it will arrive so as i said better after sales service and support from kim at ad keys than pete at lock decoders. i gave him another chance as he said all future add ons will be on in 30 mins what a lot of bull s### as usual




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Hi Craig. Am just checking if it is there. There has been a major bottle neck on new modules. It normally takes 24 to 48 hours for a module to be active, which in my opinion is far to slow. Should be same day or next day at the latest monday to friday.


We are trying a new system that should hopefully remove this bottle neck in the system. We will be able to activate these modules and they should be on the server ready to go within a few hours.



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I am passing you a credit for this module, although you will still be able to use it with our compliments.


well thank you pete but i wasnt looking for a freebie although i will happily accept it it was just when you called me today and said any future updates will be on within half an hour i decided to order a module to test i dont have a problem waiting but would like to be told the truth if in a few months it will take a couple of hours thats great but you told me today from now on they will be on within 30 minutes.thats my rant over and thanks for the freebie you didnt have to do that now that is good customer service.




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No problem. I think there was a misunderstanding on this and it will be available shortly as i am getting flack for the modules taking so long. And i want to be able to control this and activate the modules as quick as possible within normal working hours. I have complained about this repeatedly that it takes to long. If a module is ordered by 11am i would like it ready and active within a couple of hours as a rule with maybe some taking to the end of the day.


But with our compliments on this one.



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