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Shoe Repairer Forum

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Good evening collegues,


A client brought in 4 paires of "walking" shoes, or it's easier to say Mephisto mountaineers. He wants to have put new soles under it, type Vibram. The problem is that the guy wears his shoes on his work and he delivers petrol. When you open the plastic bag the shoes are in you smell the gasoil and other lubricants. I soured one sole off, the rubber part and found underneath a kind of plastic.

Is there a way to glue a new Vibram under it knowing that the shoe is completely polluted with oil,... and knowing that the man is going to wear them again on his work.




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  • 2 months later...
Guest Austin

Would imagine this would depend on whats under the sole. IF they are similar to Rockport boots then there will be a micro type layer underneath the sole which will not be PoL (petrol oils and lubricants) resistant and will act like a sponge to absorb the gunge thats getting stepped in. If they are as i have just mentioned then i would change the micro part as well to attempt to get adhesion, saying that though if the uppers are contaminated then you will face the same problem further up (especially if its a suede type).

You could also try swabbing with a solvent like MeK but this is viscious stuff and can eat plastics plus it doesnt guarantee that it will leech all the oils and waxes out.


Tell him to go get DMs at least you can put the soles back onto them

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