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RW4 & FastCopy V01.01.049 Software Update (ID 46 cloning)

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There are some news about RW4 & FastCopy


SW update vers. 01.01.049




New Copy Function




From this version on RW4 and FastCopy (together with P-Box and Snoop optionals modules) can make copies(*) of ID 46 second generation Philips Crypto transponders on keys with EHP electonic head.


(*) Consult RW4 and Fastcopy manuals for more information

(**) See the list of EHP electronic keys available in the Silca Transponder Program (STP) or web site http://www.silca.biz, to find out the models for which keys can copied.





This update is free of charge, but optional P-BOX and SNOOP modules were necessary for this function, please contact your reseller/distributor to get more information and to get the upgrade.


The upgrade is also available via the Silca Remote Service (SRS).


If you don't know what SRS is, look here: HOW TO UPDATE SILCA ELECTRONIC MACHINES

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So for someone like me who owns an RW2 with tes code module & has little knowledge of plugging into cars to read/write keys & wants to do over the bench keys. whats a P-Box and Snoop?



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The p-box alows the decoding and programming of the new ehp heads for the crypto 46 keys.

The snoop device connects to the customers key as you have to collect information from

the customers vehicle before it can be programmed.

Tou will also need to upgrade your machine as only the fast copy and rw4 will work with the


If you have an rw3 you can upgrade the circuit board internally so it then becomes an rw4

Approx £350 + vat.

Check out the silca website and have a read and it will explain a lot more.

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The P-Box is the calculation unit needed to copy the crypto codes of ID46 transponders.

It should be connected to RW4 (or fastCopy) throught RS232 port


The Snoop is the device needed to retrieve some exchanged data between the ignition switch and the original key.


the copy procedure of ID 46 transponder is:


- read the original ID46 key with RW4

- Snoop initialisation throught RW4 with data readed from original key

- go to the car

- switch ON 2 times the ignition lock using the original key with attached the SNOOP

- read with RW4 the data collected by the SNOOP

- insert in RW4 the original key, the calculation process starts (duration may vary from some second to max 3 minutes)

- insert in RW4 the EHP electonic key

- cut the key as the original

- start the car with EHP key


(with FastCopy, the èprocedure is the same)


you can see the whole process on youtube video:

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Are the EPH keys battery operated or solid state?

Does the head lose information when the battery (if fitted) is removed?

Do the heads ever fail, like with some eh1's?

Whats the broader spectrum of keys it will do?



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Q: Are the EPH keys battery operated or solid state?

R: EHP is battery operated, it's duration is stimated on 3 years, on the majority of vehicles if used 30 times a day


Q:Does the head lose information when the battery (if fitted) is removed?

R: No, as EH2 for Texas there is not loss of information


Q: Do the heads ever fail, like with some eh1's?

R: No, we've tested many EHP for some thousands cycles without problems, every EHP that comes out form Silca factory is 100% tested


Q: Whats the broader spectrum of keys it will do?

R: We etimated that there's about 320 different vehichles that used ID46 transponder keys, with the 1st group of 26 keys is possible to do about 250 models, more other 7 news key will will available @ the begins of may to do some other 50 vehicles, other keys will be released later.


For example With the 1st 26 keys you can make copy for:


- Vauxhall

- Peugeot

- Citroen

- Honda

- Honda Bykes

- Fiat

- Alfaromeo

- Lancia

- Nissan

- Renault

- Kia

- Hyundai

- Land Rover

- Mitsubishi


and some others, (see the list) on Silca web site

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Q:And how does a cloned ID46 key disable alarm system

R: If the alarm system is incorporated with immo system (oem alarm systems), it will be disabled when the clone key is inserted in the ignition and the ignition switch is turned ON. We have tested this on several vehicles, like Honda, Vauxhall, Land-Rover, Audi, Volkswagen, BMW etc.


Q:operate RCL or be usable with proximity systems that have their perimeter lock obscured with a trim cap? Many vehicles are this way now

R: I'm not sure about the question, if with RCL you mean Remote Control Lock, obviously the clone key can't do remote functions, so you have to lock/unlock the doors manually. For the vehicles with perimeters locks obscured with trim cap (eg. Nissan Micra), I know that these keys are not very practical, but the trim cap can be removed and the clone key can be used as spare keys for emergency cases.

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Q:Will the alarm be screaming its head off while one trying to get the key into the lock after the door was opened?

R: It's depend by the vehicle, for example on Volkswagen if the allarm is enabled, if you open the door with the key (indipendently by the fact that is original or clone), you have about 30 seconds to put the key on the ignition lock before that the alarm start to scream.

On Land Rover the alarm start to scream immediately, then when you put the key in the ignition switch the alarm stops.


In any case, this happens not because the key is a clone, it's happens when you lock the vehicle with the remote and then you try to unlock manually.

This can happen also when the battery of the original remote goes OFF, and you have to open door manually.

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Hi ,

There where rumors that Some clone of ID46 (keyline) has locked car of customer ( TK60 AND the original keys do not work anymore) after some working day.

Vehicles were Renault Clio , Mitsubishi Magna and Mitsubishi Outlander. How do you think? EHP keys could it have the same problem?

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I've felt the same rumors about Mitsubishi too, but I' dont know if that is true or not. I've tested both with Keyline and Silca keys and this isn't happened.

So I can confirm that with Silca keys that problem doesn't exists (we have done several tests), with Keyline I don't know.


For how it's concern Renault, for how I know the problem is due to the fatct that during the learnig procedure with TK60, is necessary to:


1: Switch ON then OFF with TK60

2: Switch ON then OFF with the original key

3: Switch ON then OFF with TK60

4: Switch ON then OFF with the original key

5: Switch ON then OFF with TK60

6: Switch ON then OFF with the original key


because (as described on Decryptor manual) if you try to start 2 times the engine with an invalid key, the ecu freezes and you have to disconnect the battery for 20 minutes.

So maybe someone doesn't have done correctly this procedure, with Silca solution this issue can't happen because during the learning procedure with the snoop you use the original key.

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But the problem was that Clone key has worked for a few day (and this says that the key was cloned in right way) ,after that for whatever reason the TK60 AND the original keys do not work . This situation It seems not be a Renault ECU locked for a wrong cloning procedure .

Do you have some idea what could be happened?

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As you know transponders and batteryless heads work's with the energy generated by the magnetic field of ignition switch.

So in my opinion (but this should be confirmed) in some cases the energy available by the magnetic field is not quite enough to power up batteryless heads, so maybe it's happened that the TK60 isn't been awakened when the ignition has been turned ON, and the ECU is entered in safety mode.

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So ,could you confirm that EHP (that use battery technology) will have always the energy power up and will respond on the Immobiluizer ECU ?

Is this one of reason because Silca use the battery technology?

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D-Power, do you work for silca ??? Also seems you have given incorrect information regarding the keyline procedure, even if you watch the video, the origional key is never near the car during the actual programming sequence.


This is the correct in-car procedure, courtesy of KeyCrypt/AD900 manual


Take the TK60 and a cut key with no transponder to the car. We are going to use the TK60 to snoop information from the car.


Step 1. Turn the ignition on for 5 seconds with the newly cut keyline key and holding the TK60 next to the car antenna.

Step 2. Turn the ignition off for 5 seconds.

Step 3. Turn the ignition on for 5 seconds.

Step 4. Turn the ignition off for 5 seconds.

Step 5. Turn the ignition on for 5 seconds.

Step 6. Turn the ignition off for 5 seconds.


Hope thats of use



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on the keyline decryptor manual the procedure is the same as you has described, but is highlighted that on renault vehicles the procedure is that I've post before.


on KeyCrypt/AD900 manual there's a lack of info.



Do you actually have a copy of the Key-Crypt Pro instruction manual and have you read it completely. I dont think you have. It is very intensive and we have found very little wrong with it.


You obviously work for Silca.


We have done dozens of vehicles and have not found this fault you describe.

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How will the battery head keys work in systems that 'Recharge' the battery when the key is in the ignition?


Iknow that with an EH2 head in a 2007+ Transit the battery head is drained within 24hrs.


There are now many vehicles that incorporate this system such as Landrover, BMW e.t.c so effectively isnt a battery head useless on these applications?


:?: :?: :?:

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It depend on the type of charger method ,To charge the Remote battery (the transponder work without power battery) is sufficent that the field will be switch on and nothing other command from ECU should be send to the Key , So if you are in this condition and Silca's engeneering has been smart , the key after responce of Authentication for start engine will be in stand by to safety the battery life .

But if during the normal drive the ECU continuously send command (Read & Write) the battery Key will be flat quickly .

I'm looking forward to receiving answer from D-power if Silca has been smart

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Do you actually have a copy of the Key-Crypt Pro instruction manual and have you read it completely. I dont think you have. It is very intensive and we have found very little wrong with it.


You obviously work for Silca.


We have done dozens of vehicles and have not found this fault you describe.


The manual as you has posted some time ago is available here: http://www.downloads-lockdecoders.com/K ... loning.pdf


I've readed it carefully, and I repeat in your manual the special indication about Renault is not present.

On some cases using TK60 for 3 times consecutively during learning procedure it can happen that the ECU freezes.

So read the Keyline decryptor manual and look what Keyline says about Renault.


I want to point out that Renault possible issue isn't a problem of Key-Crypt Pro, it's a Renault *problem*, so if Keyline that is the producer of TK60 and the inventor of the procedure says that on some vehicles the procedure is a bit different, I' don't understand why on machines that uses the same keys and procedure, it's not reported the warning.


About Silca, it's not a secret that I work for Silca, that's the first thing that I've said in my presentation, and I've repeated it many times, so I think that I've done a little favor telling to a competitor a potential problem with the using of TK60 on Renault vehicles.

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