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What's the Assa 566 blank in Silca/HD/JMA?

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We have an order to make 10 FAGGAA 9510 Assa keys to code. Assa says, this is an open section key, blank reference 566. And Instacode shows the code. But not the blank.


It's a little galling to be forced to go to an Assa dealer for this.


I have been to HD and JMA, cagey as they rightly are, they'd prefer to see the original keyblank first.


Does anyone else have any idea about this?


Best wishes,



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We have an order to make 10 FAGGAA 9510 Assa keys to code. Assa says, this is an open section key, blank reference 566. And Instacode shows the code. But not the blank.


It's a little galling to be forced to go to an Assa dealer for this.


I have been to HD and JMA, cagey as they rightly are, they'd prefer to see the original keyblank first.


Does anyone else have any idea about this?


Best wishes,




i got jma ru1d on bitting 169723



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No picture, sadly.


With a pic, you eagle-eyed lot would have solved this in seconds.


Craig: JMA RU1D = Silca RU1. Did it say RU1D in your Instacode? My Instacode shows me the same bitting as you mentioned, but no blank reference.


i ran it through my ecm200 own software programme and it gave ru1 i converted that to jma code as thats what i use heres the picassa key (300 x 225).jpg


and a picture of the assa 566 lockassa 566 lock.jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think this would be a 6-pin bitting on a 5-pin RU1 blank.


I have ordered a few RU14 blanks (Silca). I am told they might do the trick.


I'll advise in due course. If the client doesn't scream at me, then I know I'm right.


The client didn't scream. Yet.


...feels lucky...

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