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Shoe Repairer Forum

October 2009 - Time to have your say

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Its time to have your say about the forum & the directions we take, this feedback has helped shape the site over the past few years & is very valuable to me, GOOD or BAD! its very easy to sit & become disappointed or disillusioned with something without actually saying anything!


So say it NOW! what works, what doesn't, whats good & whats not!



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Can we have a forum on watch batteries & repairs

When we first started the site we had a dedicated watch batteries & repairs section, but it had very little traffic. But just because we don't have a specific section for an area of interest doesn't mean you can't post about it, the miscellaneous sections ideal for watch topics.


Somebody else posted about having a one to one with invited suppliers in the chat room, but this has since been deleted I'm not sure why, as it was quite a good comment.


I'm not sure it would work or be taken seriously?


The trades most dynamic suppliers seam to have someone from their companies on board, regularly contributing & offering an online contact for us to air problems or concerns with. this has already offered both us the repairer & the wholesalers a valuable point of contact for issues that might have gone unresolved previously. I don't think an open chat would move the current system forward? thoughts?



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Somebody else posted about having a one to one with invited suppliers in the chat room, but this has since been deleted I'm not sure why, as it was quite a good comment.






I deleted it Lee because the more I thought about it the less I thought it would work. For the reasons you have stated.

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its still good to leave it open for discussion, someone else might come up with a blinder of an idea based on the original thought.


I'm always open to suggestion, I was 100% against a trade only section as I always wanted the site to be open to anyone who wanted to use it, with or without registering. but the trade section has been a huge success & I was whole heartedly proved wrong.


this topic once a year sometimes give me new concepts to move the site forward with.



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