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i know there is a lot of material on this subject here but i want to separate the key cloning from diagnostics for novices like myself, getting asked for car keys and only want to do instore copying. what would be the best machine for this, not price wise but future update and current coverage wise,, torn between rw4,trs5000, ad900pro,bianchi883, and maybe zedbull..

a little help please in making my mind up would be appreciated.

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I can understand - we deal with the RW4 / Fastcopy / Zedbull and TRS5000 ! and all are good .


BUT - if you want an easy machine to use I would mainly sugest the TRS5000. The reason being is it does around the same as the other machines, but the next fact I think is directed more to your 1st question .


Easy to use.


The TRS5000 has only 2 buttons to use it ---- read and right (and does the Fast copy) but in turn the TRS5000 will tell you on the display what chip is inside the key and what chip number you must use to copy onto !


I am forever getting calls from customers with the other machines asking " What chip do I use for ....... / and also What chip matches to the ID number shown on the machine " its not an issue getting these calls, but the machines just make it a little more complicated to use without this information to hand !


The machine can be used with software , but really if you want a straight forward up to date easy to use machine - I would point you in the direction of the TRS5000 .


I hope this is a little bit of help . Please feel free to follow this link to the machine in question


https://skskeys.co.uk/products/transpon ... tpx1-tpx2/

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