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Engraving Rings

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What machines do people use for this job and what are we charging for this sort of work


gravograph IM4. best one i have ever seen - they have upgraded that to a newer one, dont know the name of it though.

also i engrave by hand, but i prefer the IM4.

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I've used a Gravograph manual inside ring engraver for about 10 years now. Never had any bits coming loose and never maintained it, but rings can slip so always bind them in a bit of sticky webbing tape. I charge £8.00 setup and 20p per letter

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Well you get what you pay for I suppose :wink:


Bit's working loose on an engraver = poor quality to me [-X



suppliers mentality :-{{{


:lol: poor quality then why do gravo charge nearly a grand for the identical machine, i didnt treat mine well thats all.


didnt think about the webbing should you use that for the computer attachments as well?

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  • 2 weeks later...
We bought one o' those from abroad and hava had no probs with it at all :)


Keith, surely any machine, manual or otherwise need at least some maintenance? Your statement is an odd one for an engineer :-k





Other than a very basic lube on moving parts, I would not have thought that a precision manual engraver would need 'maintenance' ? You often see machines made in the far east where the pitch of the thread is too big and can cause parts working losse. The fact that this peice of kit comes from America, where a large majority of the manufacturing is done in the far east, leads me to think that the item was of lesser quality. Bit's coming loose just seems cheap to me, thats all :? I suppose it depends on your definition of maintenance :?:


For your information, I am not an engineer, but have an understanding of engineering :D I do my best.



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